Drabble #6

460 20 1

Title: 'Swag' Doesn't Matter, Kris

KrisHo side-story


Junmyeon watched out the window quietly as the new transfer student kept looking around and walking down the hallways of the school, probably to his own class.

He diverted his attention back to the teacher, who was explaining the meaning behind a quote, "They say that time flies, but you keep breaking its wings."

He just couldn't seem to get into it.

He glanced at an exchange student-Kunpimook Bhuwakul, was it?-who was known as BamBam. The latter was hurriedly scribbling down everything that came out of the teacher's mouth.

Poor guy, Junmyeon thought.

"Kim Junmyeon, please report to the Headmaster's office immediately. I repeat, Kim Junmyeon, please report to the Headmaster's office immediately. Thank you."

The said boy sighed and stood up before leaving class, his shoulders slumped. But hey, he got an excuse to skip class!


"Are you really not going to ask anything?" Junmyeon sighed, irritated.

"Nope," the new transfer student answered. "Well...there are some things."

"What is it?"

"What's your name?"

"Kim Junmyeon."

"Are you single?"

"Ye-why are you asking me that question?"



"Junmyeon, really...you have no swag." Yifan dejectedly breathed out as Junmyeon tried to rap once more.

"Swag doesn't matter, Kris. If Jongdae, Baekhyun, Luhan and Chanyeol can rap, then sO CAN I!"


"You know, I really wanted to ask you out in a 'swaggy' manner, but I realized, it doesn't really matter how I want to ask you out as long as I do it. So, Kim Junmyeon, will you give me the honor of going out with you?"

Yifan smiled as he fished out a red rose from one of his inner pockets.


"Hyung, why did you reject Yifan-gege?"

"I don't know, Taozi."

"Hyung, do you know how long Yifan gege took to plan all that?"

"How long?"

"Three months for everything to be perfect, but you crushed it."


"YOONGI, COME BACK HERE!" an angry Junmyeon yelled as his son sprinted away happily.

"AH! THERE'S A DEMON! BABA, RUN!" Little Yoongi stuck out his tongue playfully at his mother.

"Why you little—"

"Calm down, Myeon." Yifan chuckled, wrapping his arms around his wife's waist.


"Yoongi-ah, do you want to go buy a new snapback with baba?"



This was short but meh

if Lies reaches at least 275 views, I'll post a video of me singing 😂😂

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