Chapter Five

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I went back inside and looked all around the mansion to find Jimin but, he was no where to be found.

"Shit, what is this boy up to...?" I said to myself as I was looking. I couldn't let anything happen to these boys or I'd be in huge trouble but honestly, I cared more about him being safe.

"Jimin?! Where are you?!" I shouted but my voice just echoed through the spacious mansion.
I then came upon another sliding glass door that took me to a path that lead to a beautiful garden surrounded with roses. My favorite flower.

It was absolutely beautiful. Above the path were tall arches that were full with so many types of roses. Red, pink, white, purple and so many more. It was like heaven for me.

I got sidetracked as I was looking up at the roses and not in front of me so I ended up bumping into someone, losing my balance causing me to fall to the ground.

"Oh I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" He said looking down at me but I couldn't see who it was as the sun blinded me. He held out his hand and helped me up then I saw that it was Jimin.

"I'm fine...thank you. Jimin, I've been looking for you all over the place. You can't just leave and not tell anyone. I always need to know where you are." I said but he just looked down.

"What's wrong Jimin? You haven't been yourself..."

"What do you don't even know who I am, and what I've been through all these years..."

Oh but I did know a lot more than you think. Maybe not everything but so much.

"All this time...I've...waisted my time with someone that left me right before we left Korea. We were dating for three whole years and then she just told me that she never loved me, she was sick of my music and career and confessed that she cheated on me. How fucking stupid could I be?"

His eyes became full with tears as he said these things. I never knew he had anyone. Comes to show that we don't know everything about them.

"Oh Jimin...I know how you feel..." I said and without thinking I hugged him and he hugged me back.

I was sure that's what he needed. He smelled so good and he arms around me felt so soft. I couldn't even believe that I was actually hugging an idol of mine, a person I've been looking through screens ever since they debuted and I was never lucky enough to see them live. This was like a dream.

"Look...I went through that too...I was with a guy that left me for the same reason..." I said breaking the hug and he wiped away his tears. It broke my heart to see him like this...I've never seen him like this even when he would get emotional on stage.

"Same reason?" He asked.

"I'm an Olympic weightlifter and I have a dream of making it to the Olympics but...he never supported me. He always told me I was crazy and then he left me...for another girl." I explained but I tried my best not to cry as my love for him was deep and it left me broken for a long time.

I wanted to tell him that their music helped me heal my broken heart but I just didn't have the courage to.

"Thank you for talking to me. I know this isn't your job but it's good to have someone that'll listen." He said and smiled slightly.

"What about the boys?"

"Eh, they don't wanna listen about my love life issues anymore."

It shocked me actually that they could be like that but, I was pretty sure it was because Jimin would never stop talking about it or get over it because when it happened to me, my friends got sick of me since I was always depressed about my breakup.

"I'll be here for you Jimin...We gotta watch over you anyways"

"What kind of military person falls on the ground with one bump?" He said and chuckled.

"Hey! I got sidetracked." I slapped his arm playfully but he laughed. I was glad I could cheer him up.

"You like these flowers?"

"I love them...roses are my favorite flower. They're so gorgeous." I said and we both looked up and around at them. I glanced at Jimin looking at those roses and he looked so damn adorable smiling at them.

A smile formed across my lips and I sighed, realizing that this was temporary.

"Hey! You guys having a good time back there?! Come on! We need to go get food!" Seokjin shouted from the door, waiting for us to come back in.

We looked back at him and laughed. I guessed the boys were getting hungry after that long trip.

"Alright hyung, we're coming, you can contain your black hole from sucking us in right?" Jimin joked, referring to Jin's restless stomach.

We got back inside and saw the boys wiping themselves down from the pool water and laying on the couch fooling around.

"Alright, Adrian and I are going to have to go get you food. Are you guys picky?"

"Can't we come with you?! Please!" Taehyung pleaded like a child.

"No, no, no. I'm not risking that-"

"Oh come on Regina. We're grown men. We can handle ourselves. We don't wanna be stuck in the house." Yoongi said getting up from the couch. It surprised me that those words came out of his mouth since he's the one to always wants to stay behind and sleep.

"Oh, alright. I think we should take you guys out to eat and then we'll take you shopping so we can cook in the house too."

They all cheered happily at the news and went up to their rooms to get ready.

"So what just happened?" Adrian asked as she obviously didn't understand anything we said.

"We're going out, lets go get ready, we don't have to dress in those ridiculous uniforms when we go out for fun, I guess."

"Finally!" She exclaimed and ran up to her room to get ready as well.

I decided to go with some ripped jeans, a black V-neck t shirt and cute summer sandals. Simple but cute.

I headed downstairs last and found all of the boys along with Adrian that was sitting next to Namjoon and Taehyung just talking but she was obviously flirting with Tae.

"Wow..." I heard Jimin say under his breath and the boys looked at him and grinned.

"Ah Jiminie...look who's flirt-" Jungkook tried to say but he got slapped in the arm.

"Hey Regina! You look so good in that simple outfit." Namjoon said and got up from the couch, approaching me.

He put him arm around me and walked me over to the couch to sit. I bit my lip as I had no idea how to react to this situation.

I could see Jimin looking at Namjoon with fury in his eyes. What the hell?

I pushed Namjoon off me and got up again to get rid of the awkwardness between us.

"Alright, we don't have anymore time to sit around, its already 5 o'clock. Let's get going."
I said and we all headed out the front door and into the van to head out for food.

I didn't know what just happened back there but I wasn't about to stop and find out...

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