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I know it's been about two years since I have done anything with this story. I really want to finish it, I do. I have just been extremely busy since beginning this story I was a freshmen in high school with little commitments and now I am junior with four AP classes, four extracurriculars, and two - four jobs (depending on the workforce flow). Not to mention trying to maintain a healthy social life. It's been a lot of work and responsibility now but I am going to slowly come back to the Wattled writing community. I have many ideas. I will start by editing and slowly revising this story. There will be some plot changes to fill in the plot holes some have mentioned to me in the comments. I will also change the cover to it but that will be held off for a while.

Anyway, I promise you revision and editing will start soon and once that is done, the final parts to this fanfic will come out.

Love you all for still reading and being hopeful. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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