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*Lucy's point of view*

"How long are we gonna be staying here, papa?" I ask looking back as he hands me the hotel key. I slide the card through the slot, getting frustrated when it denies it.

"Two to three weeks. Depending on if my editor likes what I send him." He answers as I finally get the door open.

God, I'm gonna have to make the trek back to Britain. A long, tiring, time-changing trek. It's also nerve-racking when your grandmother keeps talking about flight that completely disappeared, 9/11, and other disasters that were caused on airplanes.

"Anyhow, this is a two room suite. So I was thinking that Molly and I get one room, and Luce, you can have your own room." My grandfather said as he closed the door.

"That sounds good, dear." My grandmother said looking around the hotel room.

"Yes, it does." I say.

"There is also a bathroom for each suite, so..." He shrugged slightly as he went to one of the rooms doors. Grandmother followed him with the small carry-on bag.

"I guess I'll be in my room for the rest night." I say to myself and walk over, opening the door.

The room was fairly large with a desk near a balcony, a cabinet that had a television in it, and a small door that was the closet, and another door that lead to the bathroom.

I move my suitcase on top of the bed and pull out my phone looking at the time, 7:47 pm, eastern time.

I zip open my suit case and take my toiletries, finding a pair panties and my pyjama tank top and pants. I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower water. I feel so dirty from being to three different airports in two different countries in less that fifteen hours.

I take a quick shower and doing everything to get ready for better, untangled my knotted hair, brush my teeth, and put on pyjamas. Leaving the bathroom, keeping the light on and the door ajar, I go back and move my suitcase and grab my carry-on bag for my laptop.

Moving the blankets and quickly slipping my laptop out, I lay down in the middle of my bed. My phone to left, a TV remote on the nightstand to my right, and a laptop on my tights. What to do, what to do?

I turn on the TV and find nothing interesting, all American shows practically, they don't even have the BBC. I find some odd channel called TBS which has a show about some nerds on, it's the best I can find, but I put the volume on very low. I get comfy a little more and open my laptop, going to the search engine, Google.

The search engine's main page comes up and I tap my finger against the 'L' button. I know this the area my father was last known to live in, but I don't know if I should look him up.

After a moment of hesitation and watching the show for a moment, I quickly type 'Lecter' into the search bar and click enter.

A lot of news about someone named Neal Lecter shows up, a congress man that is apparently getting a lot of attention with his recent speeches. It's not who I'm looking for though, I know because I have memorised the few photos I've seen of my father.

I continue scrolling and there are quite a few people, but none in the area. I find a someone else named L.L. Martin Lecter. A web designer with someone else. I'm gonna go with that couldn't be him, the way my father said my mother described was well poised and very high class. These guys, they were currently designing something for some teen-fashion website, no where near I think my father would be working in.

I almost find it hopeless as I keep looking through everything that has 'Lecter' in it. I finally come across just a small little information box that says:

Hannibal Lecter, MD.
The finest psychiatrist in Maryland.
Call for an appointment.
Business hours 9 am-8 pm; Monday- Saturday

I run the mouse over the call part and the number pops up above it. I grab my phone and go to the notes app, quickly typing the number down.

Well...I must wait to call this man now. I'm practically dying to call...

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