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I'm so sorry for not updating, I've been really busy/ tired with summer school. Over 200 reads = yay :3


*Lucy's point of view*

I've honestly felt a little a nervous since I left Dr. Lecter's office. I'm able to go at least one more time before we, well I have to go back with my grnadmother. My grandfather's editor wants him to stay another three weeks, and he wants me to go back with my grandma.

"Luce, are you listening?" I hear my grandfather ask.

I look away from my phone and at him. "Yeah, yeah, I am. What did you say?" I turn my phone screen off when a notification pops up.

"Your grandmum wants to go somewhere nice to eat the you two get back, so I'm going to give you money before-"

"I have my own money that I can use with grandmum, I won't mind."

"If I told you something about her, you wouldn't tell her, right?"


"Okay, thank you. Well I know this may a little absurd and such, but I think she's a little lonely."

"Why would you think that?"

He takes out his phone and looks down at it. "We will continue this conversation in moment Luce." He says standing up from the small table and walking outside the Starbucks.

I play with the straw in my tea and look down at my phone. The notification was nothing important.

"Ms. Lecter..." I hear someone say just as I open the game app, 2048.

I look up to see a black man, with salt and pepper hair basically. " Yes?"

"I'm Special Agent Jack Crawford with the American FBI-" I realise this is the man I talked with my grandfather have me a fake FBI badge that my great uncle created. Well, obviously he knows who I am now.

I must try to act like nothing. "May I see your badge then?" I ask stopping him the middle of sentence.

"Yes, of course." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a leather wallet and flipped it open so I could see. "I just want to ask you a few things involving someone I consult with regularly. Do you mind?" He points to the empty chair across from me where my grandfather was sitting.

"No I don't, but if it's alright with you, could you be gone before my papa comes back from his call?"

"It's just a few questions. Won't take long. I just wanted to ask a few questions about Dr. Hannibal Lecter."

I feel as if ice water has been poured onto me. "Go ahead and ask."

"Well for starters, what is your relationship connection to Dr. Lecter."

"I don't have barley any type of relationship with him."

"Well we have source that puts you at his home office for a psychiatry session the past two weeks, in the later evening. Is it business, friendship, family, doctor and patient? Maybe even intimate."

What? Why would he think that? Well them again he does have to think I all the possible options. "Family, but really only doctor and patient. I'm related to him by marriage, and well when you have an estranged uncle, when else do you get the chance to talk to him?" I made up a lie, to hope he doesn't mention my lie because of some more lies probably. I swear, I'll end up in prison by the end of this trip.

"How old are you? Pardon me for asking but I just think the information would be helpful to see this from your point of view."

"I'm twenty, and normally in the UK besides small trips with my blood uncle."

"Are you with him now?"

"No, this is with my grandparents. Anyway, back to your questions."

"Is this your first time seeing Dr. Lecter?"

"Yes, and I'd gladly mention that my grandfather's call just ended, so I'd like if you'd leave now."

"Oh, of course. Here's my card, call me so we can continue this before you leave." He said setting one down on the table and walking to the door, passing my grandfather. I quickly snatch the card off the table and put into my pocket.

"Who was that?" My grandfather asks.

"Just someone trying to sell something. It was nothing."


May 29th

Okay. I'm really weirded out by how an American FBI knew where I was today, especially the same one I faked my identity to. I know I shouldn't worry because knowing my great uncle good simply get me out of prison if I was to be arrested and charged or anything of the sort, but still. I kind of need to keep going to the university for a while before I can take up the authoring job my grandfather wants me to do. (I would do it now but my grandmum wants me to have a further education degree.)

Anyway, another six days until my grandmum and I go back to the UK. My grandfather is gonna stay a little longer, which is gonna be awful not having him around because he's the only one I really like to talk to.

I'm getting used to this idiotic journal as well.

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