Hannibal's Request

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*Hannibal's point of view*

"Did Jack Crawford bother you when I called?" Will asks as we walk off a crime scene.

"I was with a patient. That reminds me of something I have to ask Jack for. I will see you soon." I say as I turn back around and walk back to Jack.

"Oh, you're still here." He says as he stood near his car and looks at me.

"Yes, I came back to ask you if you could do a research on someone for me."

"Yes, hold on." Jack goes into his car and pulls out a paper and pen. "Who is it?"

"My 'patient,' she claims that her name is Lucille Monroe." I say as he writes it did. "Everything she said just put up red flags in my mind, and I'm just a little curious about her."

"How about I have a small profile on her for you when I go to the dinner you invited me to." Jack suggests. I mean of course it would be simple to look her up myself, but Jack nor Will should know that I have access to records on people so easily.

"That sounds very good, and I hope to see at dinner on Wednesday." I say before I decide to start walking back to my car.

"Same here, Dr. Lecter." He says.

I nod a little and begin to walk again. 

I know that my patient was lying. She knows she's lying. There maybe some way she could be shown that lying is rude, a very permit way. I also guess that I will have that half of the census taker's liver left, with possibly fava beans.


That last part was for the people who love Anthony Hopkins. (Like I love him so much, I wrote a fanfiction of his Hannibal for a class project.)

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