Chapter 5

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What to wear? What to wear? I don't know what to wear? I am currently crying over what to wear on my date with Josh at the park.

He said that we aren't going to a park where any one we know will see or recognize us so that calms my nerves slightly. It's smoldering hot today so I don't really want to wear jeans. Honestly I kinda want to wear high waisted Booty shorts and a tank top. Just because it's hot and not another reason. Oh screw it I put the shorts on over my pastel pink lace thong.

I put on my black Ray Bans and black converse and waited in my room for Josh to text me when he gets here. Dylan is out with some chick thank the lord he is not here.

A honk breaks me out of my thought and I rush out the door to greet my boyfriend. His blue eyes are also covered with sunglasses and his once shaggy hair has been cut and styled to perfection.

"Hey babe I like your hair." I compliment him climbing into his car.

"Yeah well I like your face." I hate him.

"Shut up you idiot. God you're so cheesy. What? You only like me for my face I'm hurt." Sometimes dramatic helps

"No I like other things about you." I smile at him until he continues,"Like dat ass."

"Ugh shut up and drive asshole." I turn my face away from him hearing his deep chuckle.

"Your wish is my command princess." The smirk on his voice is present.

The park was about an hour away from where we live so I took a nap on the way there. I wasn't too worried about anyone knowing us. I mean we're rich not famous. Ugh that makes me sound like a douche.

I was woken up with a light kiss on my lips. My eyes opened groggily to the sight of the bright pearly smile of Josh.

"We're here princess." I hopped out of the car only then noticing that he had brought a picnic basket and some balls.

"What's all this?" I offer to help him carry stuff but he declines

"Eh just thought we'd get hungry after I kick your butt in football and soccer." Josh determines cockily

"I mean I'm into some kinky shit like spanking but kicking that's a whole other level. Don't get me wrong I'm not shaming you here but you might need to go find someone who's butt is willing to be kicked." I hold my hands up in mock surrender laughing at his confused face.

"I just wanted to play sports not get attacked or kink shamed by a kink I don't even have." Josh cries out making it even more hysterical. Messing with Josh is just as funny if not more than messing with Dylan is

"Let's start the game then, you goon." His mood changes as he picks up the football and throws it to me down the field. Football is okay, I mean a bunch of hot guys running around it tight pants and tackling eachother. Yes please but I'm not into the sport aspect of it.

I catch the ball and start running only to be tackled by Josh's huge body. He turns us so that he lands on his back taking the brunt of the fall.

"Fancy seeing you here." His eyes gleamed with playfulness

I rolled my eyes but we continued on playing eventually switching sports which lead to where we are now having our picnic lunch. I'm so hungry. I hope that this fool brought something good to eat or I'm dumping him. I mean what kind of boyfriend brings bad food to a picnic date?

I'm still in a state of shock and denial with this whole thing. Questions upon questions fill my brain and pierce my heart. How could someone as handsome as Josh want me? Is this all a joke to him? What would Dylan do if he found out? What if we breakup and I still have to see him everyday when he hangs out with Dylan?

"Gabe!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a rough voice.


"I just asked if you wanted any salad. What's bothering you so much Princess? I hate to see you frown." His brow furrows reaching for my hand.

"Yeah pile that shit up on my plate and stop worrying about me, keep  being cute." I smile then lean over to give him a peck on his lips.

Turns out Josh got his mom to bake an apple pie and she made us blt sandwiches too. Josh's mom is the sweetest lady ever once you get to know her because when she's busy being a lawyer she's quite terrifying. Josh got a lot of his looks from his dad and was an exact replica except for his blue orbs which he gained from his mother.

"Tell your mom thanks for the food. Susanna really is too nice. I don't know how she puts up with your bullshit." I say when he comes back from tossing our trash out.

"Lovely as always,"he mocks me but continues,"We're coming over for dinner tonight I think. Although I don't know if we'll be able to be too close cause of Dylan."

Sure enough that same night the Collins family joined ours for dinner. My mom made her casserole which happens to be one of her best dishes. I changed my clothes well more like just threw on some pants and a sweatshirt.

"Dylan! Josh is ready and Dinner is here. I mean...oh whatever you know what I mean get your behind down here." My mom shouts up the stairs loudly.

"Ow mom why not just make me deaf in the other ear too while you're at it." She just huffs and pulls me by the ear to the kitchen.

"Hey Martha thanks for inviting us to dinner. The boys were literally buzzing in their seats when they heard you were making your casserole." Josh's mom spoke with a light voice

"No we weren't!" They said in unison,"Hey! Stop copying me, copycat!"

Susanna just rolled her eyes,"Like father like son."

"Oh well I'm happy to have you here. If I wasn't I would have kicked you out of my house over seventeen years ago." My mom and Josh's mom laughed bubbling and continued having boring mom conversations.

I turned my attention to our dads listening to what they were talking about. Though the conversation wasn't that interesting either.

"Man, Rodger I watched your last fight and you were on fire. I thought you were going to break that guy in half." My dad praised Josh's dad.

"I know speaking of kicking asses, did you watch last nights game. I can't believe they caught up from being beat 4-nothing." Once they start talking about hockey it's my queue to stop listening.

Our parents grew up together, both couples were highschool sweethearts. My parents were actually there when Josh was born. Josh of course was an accident that led to Susanna being pregnant with him at eighteen. Luckily her aunt could watch him while she and Rodger went to college.

My parents were actually quite boring both of them were geeks and started dating their junior year. They got married when they were nineteen then waited a year to have Dylan. They hired a nanny to take care of Josh and Dylan together, which is how they became such good friends.

I finished my casserole quickly so I didn't have to listen to three different conversations going on around me. I get permission to leave the table from my mom and head to my room. My room was filled with things I thought were valuable. The color of the room itself was a pastel blue and my shelves and dressers were white.

I brought out a book and started reading it only for me to pass out. Later I woke up feeling gross and in need of a shower but I smiled  when I saw a sticky note with messy hand writing scrawled across it.

'Hope you had fun tonight. Dream of me cause I'll dream of you Princess.x'

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