Chapter 5

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"I know, I swear, we'll find somewhere the streets are paved with gold." - 'U.F.O.' by Coldplay.

"Saniya!" Lana called. 

"What?" I moaned. It was midday and due to the lack of work and vigorous amount of holidays, I had been planning on sleeping everyday until at least one o'clock. Thanks Lana.

"We've got to go drop off some of the boys' stuff at their house," she replied. What? My silence seemed to jog her to explain. "They were recording and they're having trouble leaving the studio so I had to get some stuff for them. I'm gonna need your help to unload it in case they aren't back." 

I groaned in annoyance. I had a feeling that when Niall gave Lana a key to their temporary home that it would come back to bite me later.

 "Fine," I mumbled, my face still buried in my pillow.

I sighed and rolled out of bed, dropping flat on my face on the floor. "Ow," I mumbled, flatly.

Slouching, I rummaged through my cupboard in search of some fresh clothes and changed into a t-shirt with a quote from Lord of the Rings on it, my dark blue jeans and my black combats. I brushed my hair and went downstairs, where Lana was at the door waiting for me. Quickly, I went to the kitchen, poured some cereal from the box into my mouth, tipped some milk in as well and was ready. Lana also looked pretty tired; although we had our differences, seven hours of sleep was highly unacceptable. Niall was her only exception, they were pretty much head over heels for each other.

I was half asleep in Lana's 4x4 by the time we reached their house. I wasn't sure if they were in of not, seeing as Harry's car was in the driveway, however that might not have been the car they took to the studio.

"Come on," Lana said, getting out. "It won't take that long."

It wasn't that I hated being out of the house at such an inconvinient hour - it was that I wasn't keen on the thought that I may possibly run into the boy from yesterday. Things could get awkward and possibly violent. On my side at least - I wasn't sure what he was like.

I opened the boot and began unloading it. Instead of bags, there were cardboard crates with groceries and other stuff in them. Buying in bulk, I guess.

Lana had already taken a box in and left the door open to make it easier. I went in, taking my surroundings in. The house was huge and contemporary, however you could tell what the boys were like. Pictures and mess were everywhere - the excessive amounts of clothing on the floor made me concerned however. I liked it. Finding the kitchen wasn't hard, as I heard voices coming from it to find four of the five boys in there. The dark-haired smoker was the one missing. Great. Maybe he was dying in another alleyway.

"Thought Lana said you didn't wake up before two if you could help it!" one yelled. He had blue eyes and brown messed up hair.

I cocked my eyebrow. What the hell?  "I know, right?" I yelled, mocking his tone. It wasn't even a comeback, but how do you reply to that sort of comment from a stranger? I placed the crate on the counter; it didn't take me long to realize that the contents were all the same thing - carrots. I turned to the boys. "Finding a more natural way to tan, are we?" 

"We need our supplies," Harry smirked and the rest of them chuckled as they got up to help take in the rest of the stuff.

I picked one up labelled TOILETRIES and turned around to see the four boys coming out to help. The one who'd yelled offered to take the crate I was holding, but I declined. "It's cool, I got it. Where should I put it, though?"

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