Chapter 27

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"Maybe there's a God above and all I ever learnt from love was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you." - 'Hallelujah' by Rufus Wainwright.

Zayn's POV

The rest left a few hours earlier after many intense games of COD and ERS; I'd decided to hang back, since I felt pretty tired,and frankly, I didn't want to be around a couple drunk guys- even if they were my best mates.

Oh yeah - even more so, because I didn't drink anymore.

It was when we went out on our first night and Saniya got pulled back into the crowd by  the drunken prick- she looked...scared. It was weird seeing Saniya of all people scared- she didn't come across as the type who were known to be scared. You'd look at her- her dark jeans and combats and rock t- shirts and think 'Dude, do not mess with her.' After having her help me out and beat the stranger up only moments before, it was unexpected.

I guess this was what Niall felt like when he saw my scars.

Not to mention Saniya didn't drink herself- I'll admit, I only stopped for her, personally, not...purely for the fact that she was on the verge of getting raped. I thought of it as once more thing we had in common, something to push past. Not to mention alcohol tasted kind of gross.

I remembered the day where Saniya and I were first on the roof and she was taking pictures of the landscape- I always loved drawing. I never really drew proper art, like flowers in vases or trees or whatever- mostly it was cartoons. But still, it didn't hurt to try sometimes. 

I gathered my sketchpad and my pencils- stuff I always brought so that I could draw parodic versions of the boys- and climbed up onto the roof.

Only, I wasn't alone.

She sat against the railings with her headphones on, legs stretched out and ankles crossed; a book was in her hands and pure concentration and sadness was displayed upon her face. 

Despite coming up here many times, I still never got over the height. I gripped the railing tightly after running like a maniac to the side of the roof; the same image I had received in my head from the first time up here of me somehow jumping over the bar and falling.

She must've heard me walk over, because she slipped ber headphones around her neck and turned to look at me- but not before taking a swig from a dark green tinted bottle.

"Hey," I smiled, suddenly feeling safe.

It wasn't alcohol, was it?

You idiot, course it isn't!

"Hey," she put her book down, the sadness leaving her eyes slowly.

"I'm not interrupting you, am I?" I checked.

"No, actually you've got good timing," a weak smile escaped her lips. "Snape just died, I was getting a litte emotional. He was always my favourite character." She closed her book, showing the cover of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Wow...she read fast.

"What are you drinking?"

She shrugged. "Lemon juice."

"How normal of you," I smirked.

"Hey!" She protested, but she was smiling. "This is the best juice they make!"

"So, why you up here?" I asked. What up with the questions, man!

"Didn't feel like going to a club," she replied, smoothly.

"Too chicken?" I smirked. Oh God, that came out harsher. Dude, what was that?

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