Bad news

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Lucy mom p.o.v:
     Lucy can you come down here please.

Lucy p.o.v:
     What is it mom?
Lucy mom p.o.v:
      We're moving to New York cause of my job I'm sorry sweetie.

Lucy p.o.v:
     It's fine mom I'm glad were moving cause I don't have no friends anymore at the school so I'm happy.

Lucy mom p.o.v:
     What happen to your friend Berenise?

Lucy p.o.v:
     She quit talking to me when she the star football player as her boyfriend and mom just said oh I'm sorry honey. Mom its fine I don't care really.


New York

Lucy p.o.v:
     Well I can already tell I'm going to love it here.

Cute guy p.o.v:
      Hello there are you lost?

Lucy p.o.v:
     Yes I'm looking for the school. He told me to follow him cause he was going that way anyways.

Hey I never did catch your name.

Cute guy p.o.v:
     Oh my name is Jack wbu your name.

Lucy p.o.v:
    Well Jack my name is Lucy and I'm 9 months pregnant with twin girls and the father doesn't want nothing to do with the kids.

Jack p.o.v:
     Oh well if you let me I would love to be in your life and your kids life.

Lucy p.o.v:
    Are you asking me to be your girlfriend? He said yeah and I looked at him and kissed him meaning a yes.


Lucy mom p.o.v:
      Lucy you have a visitor at the door.

Lucy p.o.v:
       Ok mom I'll be down in a minute.

Berenise p.o.v:
         Is she coming Lucy mom? Her mom told me she said she will be down in a minute.

Lucy p.o.v:
         BERENISE I can't believe you came all the way but why?

Berenise p.o.v:
         I came here cause I miss my best friend and to tell you me and my boyfriend broke up 2 months ago so yeah...

Lucy p.o.v:
       Ok but couldn't you just call me and tell me that besides coming all the way down here to tell me.

Berenise p.o.v:
        Well I didn't just come down here to see you my mom got a new job and we had to move down here to new York.

Lucy p.o.v:
       Well I'm glad your but I got to go I'm going to be late for my date so if you could please leave.

Berenise p.o.v:
      Ok bye maybe I will see you at school tm and then I left.

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