Having the twins

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    Jack p.o.v:
            Hey babe are you ok?
   Lucy p.o.v:
           No babe my belly hurts really bad.
  Jack p.o.v:
           Do you what me to take you to the doctors?
   Lucy p.o.v:
           Yeah because the babies are coming right now my water just broke babe!!!!!!!
At the doctors

Nurse p.o.v:
         Ok you are 7 centimeter your almost closing to being able to see to your twin girls.

Lucy p.o.v:
       Hey Jack I know that these kids are actually yours but I was wondering if you want to be there father?

Jack p.o.v:
         I don't care if that not my kids I will treat them like they are my kids and yes babe I would love to there father.

Lucy p.o.v:
         I so happy to hear you say that babe so then it's set you and I both will sign their birth certificate when they are born.

Nurse p.o.v:
      Ok Lucy it looks like your ready to push ok now on a count of three give us a big push ok.

Lucy p.o.v:
         Ok nurse....
1...2....3...puuuusshhh pushhhh.

Nurse p.o.v:
      I need one more big push and your first baby will be born ok.

Lucy p.o.v:
        1....2....3....puuuusshhh pushhhh  wahhhh ahhh I hold my baby girl.

Nurse p.o.v:
         Ok now two more big pushes and your second baby will be out ok.

Lucy p.o.v:
          1....2.....3....puuusshhh pushhhh.   1....2....3.....puuuuusshhhh pushhhhh  wahhhh ahhh my second baby girl was born.

Nurse p.o.v:
            Ok mom and dad what would y'all like to name your baby girls?

Lucy and Jack's p.o.v:
           Umm for the first girl we will name her  Sarah Lynn Cooper and for the second one her name can be Ella Nicole Cooper.

Nurse p.o.v:
       Them are so cute names. Now all that we need y'all to do is sign their birth certificate and then you can go home tomorrow.

Jack p.o.v:
       Babe their so beautiful babe I'm so glad I'm with you babe I love you so much and I love Sarah and Ella too...

Lucy p.o.v:
          I know they so beautiful babe and I love you too and the babies. Now let's sign their birth certificates.


    Well me and Jack just got done signing their birth certificate and now were just laying in the Hospital room holding Sarah  and Ella before the nurse comes and gets them so we can get some rest.

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