[3] Svanturum

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Konnya let her hand slide over the spines of the books as she walked past them to her compartment.

The library doubled as the headquarters of an underground operation known as Svanturum. A word from the old language meaning the one no ones trusts.

This branch was set up to insure citizens could get out of Flix at a moment's notice. The ancient city had its traps, but Svanturum was efficient at training its agents.

Konnya smiled. To be part of this branch of Svanturum was a big accomplishment. You had to be fast and silent. Able to make smart choices under heavy pressure. Only they, out of all the web of Svanturum, had access to the Positioner.

Life was good. But she was missing something. Something terribly important. Something she couldn't remember.

Konnya stopped outside the door to her compartment. She rested her hand on the handle, and looked unseeing in front of her.

Something was going to happen tomorrow. But what?

She turned the handle and stepped in. Strange. The light was off. Konnya checked the time. 1:46 a.m. Her roommate should be here.

She searched the wall with her hand until she found the light switch. Light flooded the room.

Amyth wasn't there.

Konnya went to her dresser to get dry clothes. As she moved around the bed her foot hit something soft.

Amyth! She was sprawled on the floor face down.

Konnya fell to her knees and rolled her roommate over. Drying blood covered her forehead. She wasn't breathing.

Konnya stood to hit the emergency switch. Something hit the back of her head, and she fell in a heap. Her watch landed in front of her face.

11:53 p.m.

Everything went black, and she passed out.

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