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Hibari searching every place,houses,dark alley,supermarket,dog house(?) and he even destroy a few black syndicate nearby with hope that Ryota was there.

He ran his hand through his hair.He inhale and exhale a few times in attempt to calm him self.

He frustrated.Just where is Ryota?!!!He worried.He never feel like this before.Not even when Hibird didn't came home for a day.

He tried to calm down when a certain omnivore called him.

"Hibari-san,have yo-" Tsuna screamed when a tonfa was infront of him threatening to hit his cute face.(:

"Shut up you omnivore" Hibari said with a low voice.

'So scary'Tsuna though.He never see Hibari this angry or stress.He really love his brother.He though.

"The f*ck with you?!!Jyudaime tried to help you finding your precious little brother and yet you still want to hurt him?!!I won't let it be" Gokudera who saw his beloved boss get threaten by the skylark immediately went beside Tsuna and put out his dynamites.

Before he get to throw it,Yamamoto stopped him from doing that.

"Maa,maa lets calm down,minna" he said with his cheerful smile on his handsome face.

"Let me go,baseball freak!!" Gokudera struggled from his grip but unfortunately the baseball freak is too strong for him.What a sad.

"Extreemmmmeeeeee" a loud voice interrupt them from behind.

They look behind and saw a puff of dust covering the person until he stopped infront them.Just how fast he can get?

"I didn't see any kid that you describe to the EXTREEMEEEE,Sawada" Ryohei said(shout) loudly to them and make them cover their ears except Hibari who itching to kill them right there and then.

After Tsuna knew that Ryota missing,he asked Ryohei,Kyoko,Haru,Lambo,Ipin,Futta,Chrome and Bianchi for help.But until  now,no one have found Ryota.

"How are you gonna found that boy if you f*cking run without stopping,huh?!!!All I could see is a stupid boxer lawn head that screamed his head off along the way!!!" Gokudera explode.

"What did you say,tako-head?!!" Ryohei already in fighting stance.

"Do you want me to repeat it?!!" Gokudera took out his dynamites.

While Yamamoto just stand between them while grinning and tried to stop them from fighting as a peace maker.But of course it won't work.

Tsuna sweat dropped.Why must they fight without any proper reason?!He jump when he felt a murderous killing intent at his back.Slowly he turn back and saw a demon,no monster at his back with a pair of tonfas being held proudly in his hands.

Tsuna back away few steps and the quarrel already stop when they sense the aura.

"You herbivore I-" again Hibari were interrupted by a woman voice.

"Tsuna,I didn't see the boy " Bianchi walked toward them with Reborn being held by her.And she forgot to wear his goggled.

Gokudera fainted"Aneki-"Yamamoto laughing and picked Gokudera up.

"Hahaha,I guess I should take Gokudera to his house,Tsuna"

Tsuna nodded and sweat dropped.He still can't go through his trauma.

Ryohei clicked his tongue and shouted to Gokudera "Weak to the extremeeee!!"

It not like Gokudera can say anything because he already being dragged by Yamamoto away.

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Where stories live. Discover now