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Its such a nice morning.Very peaceful.The birds were chirping happily.The sky was clear.The sun shining brightly .

Ryota stirred in his sleep.He turn to his right and left when he realized that his beloved brother was not by his side.Quickly he stood up and ran along the corridor.

He was traumatized by what happened weeks ago.Kidnapping and so on.Its really scary and not to mention hurt a lot.The most scared part when his brothers and sister got injured because of him.If only I strong as Kyo-nii.And since that day,he slept with Hibari.

Hibari was in the kitchen,prepared for breakfast.Well,you can say a half burn omelet and rice as a breakfast.At least he tried.

Suddenly he heard a soft footstep coming toward the kitchen.Just by hearing the soft thumps Hibari knew who its belong to.

He leaned his back againts the wall near the door.In few minutes,someone opened the door carefully.

"Kyo-nii?"Ryota peaked into the room.Where Kyo-nii?Then,he took a step inside when suddenly a hand grab him and pick him up.

"Kyaa~~~"at first Ryota was about to screamed but when he saw Hibari the culprit,he let out a squealed.

"What are you doing here?I bet you did not wash your face,right?"Hibari said when he saw a trace of saliva on Ryota'face and scooped Ryota into his arms.Ryota was struggling to escape from the death grip but Hibari was too strong for him.

"Kyo-nii,let me go....Im not a baby anymore"Ryota whine for Hibari put him down.But it turn into a squealed and laughed when Hibari tickles him.

"Kyaaaa~~~~"Hibari was amused when Ryota tried to attacked him with his short arms but to no avail.Hibari tickles Ryota until he out of breath and put him on a chair.

"It...it's unfair.You didn'tgive me a chance to fight back"Ryota said in a soft voice while painting.

"Because you weak"simple answer.

Hibari strolled toward the burn dishes and stopped.He turn around and saw Ryota in a gloomy expression.He then walked toward Ryota and put his index finger on Ryota's chin motion Ryota to look at him.

"What's wrong?"Hibari asked in a low voice.It feel odd to see the cheerful boy sad.He doesnt want Ryota feel sad.Not until he let him go.

"I'm weak.Because of me you and the others hurt.I can't even fight the man.I'm such a burden to everyone.I'm useless.And-I-I can't even save my parents.I'm useless.Weak.Stupid.Why???Why can't I be strong like you or Muku-nii??Why-"before he get to finished his words,Hubari hugged him.

"Don't you ever dare to say something like this again.You not a burden.And you will never be.Understand?"he said in a smooth voice.Only Ryota get to see Hibari being all kind and gentle.Only him.And for some reason,Ryota feel lucky.

Ryota hugged him back and nodded."Im understand,Kyo-nii.You would never give me back to them right?"

Hibari nodded."Of course"
Not to them.He added inside.Not to those monster but maybe to another people,another place.He though bitterly.Am I really going to let Ryota go?

They separated from their hug and Ryota beamed at him cutely with a trace of tears on his cheek."Why is the omelet burn?"

A tinge of pink make its way on Hibari's face.


Vongola headquarters,Italy

Blond man was sitting beside an old man with grey hair on the couch silently.And in front of them was a 6 years old baby in suit and a fedora.

The Cloud(KHR FANFIC)#Complete(major editing)Where stories live. Discover now