//J - 17//

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"So Eldon and I ran all the way back to Beachside. You should have seen that guy's face, he was so angry," I laugh

Riley smiles and wraps her arms around my torso, resting her head on my chest.

It's pretty late, we've been talking for hours in her room. I'm actually surprised that her parents haven't checked in on her yet.

"Riley, I think I should go now," I whisper in her hair

She shakes her head, "Just stay a bit longer,"

I can tell she's tired and I know if she falls asleep on me, I won't be able to get her off me.

"Riley-" I start

"I want to stay with you forever, James," She whispers tiredly.

I look down at her in surprise, pulling her closer to me, "I love you, Riley,"

Riley doesn't answer so I know she has fallen asleep but I mean every word. Looking down at her snuggled up in my chest makes me feel like I haven't made a mistake.

Maybe this is what I needed in my life, someone worth living for. With Riley, I feel like anything is possible.

My future right now is very uncertain but I know that no matter what, I'll never stop loving Riley.

It's funny how someone new to town has changed my life in a matter of months. Regionals is coming in about a week and I'll be there for Riley and for my team.

My phone rings and Riley stirs in my arms. I open it quickly, it's Eldon. I decline the call, Riley is the only one I want to be with right now.

Then he sends me a text.

Eldon: James, I need your advice its really important.

James: What's up bro?

Eldon: Come to my place, West is here as well.

James: Can't you just text me what's happening?

Eldon: No, I need to talk to you in person

I shut my phone off, Eldon is usually never this serious. It's nearly midnight and I look at Riley.

"Goodnight," I whisper, kissing her on the forehead.

She mumbles something and I slowly get up, picking her up and tucking her in her bed. As soon as I make my way to the window, the warmth disappears and I have an urge to just stay with her.

Her parents can't see us like this in the morning though, the worst thing I want to do is for us to be separated.

I climb down and jump in my bike, riding all the way to Eldon's house. As soon as I park the bike on the fence, the front door swings open and Eldon pulls me inside.

"James, I need to talk to you," He says

I nod and take a seat in the living room, West is watching TV on the couch with a bowl of popcorn on his lap.

"Yeah, I'm listening," I answer

Eldon stands in front of me nervously, "Please don't be angry at me but... I think I'm in love with your girlfriend,"

A/N: Thank you for 1K reads on this book, it means so much to me. ❤️

I changed the names of the chapters, basically J stands for James and R stands for Riley. I was getting confused on who was commenting on what chapter but I hope it's easy to understand and doesn't confuse you.

Also, should I slow down on uploading the chapters? Each one is 500 words and I don't want you guys to wait that long for another one.

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