Sirius mistake

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My detentions with Snape were horrible. He made me to clean up a very old storeroom without magic. The good thing is he never bothered me, that is until my last day. He came to inspect on my progress.

"Lazy. Just like your father." He said. In my life I had learned not to take what people said about Sirius to heart but not with Snape. He just made me want to blow up.

"I'm nothing like him!" I retorted.

Snape sneered "No? Talking back at teachers, never having to work to get what you need. Afraid to show your 'friends' who you really are? You will turn out just like him. Just so pathetic!" he practically shouted.

I wanted to hex him."Why do you hate him so much? What did he do to you?" I asked.

His eyes clouded "So Lupin didn't tell you that your father tried to kill me. Yes, and he was only sixteen."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I ran out of there in shock blindly until I was outside. It was pitch black out there and as I sat on the edge of the woods, a large black dog stepped out. Oddly it looked like the one that I had seen back home. It was weird, I knew there was something different about it but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I felt somehow connected to it. It advanced slowly towards me and sat close enough for me to pat.

"Hey doggie you are so cute you know." It whined. "Yes. So, you got a name?"I asked and it dug the ground with a paw. "No? Well you can share with my owl. His name is Orion. It's my dad's middle name." It barked merrily. "But he's not a good person. He - he's a murderer." Orion the dog whined again. "I thought there was hope but I just heard that he tried to kill someone while he was still at school. Do you think he can be saved? From himself.?" Orion the dog was silent.

"Miley what are you doing out there? Come inside." It was Ginny calling me. She led me into my dorm and asked,"What's wrong?" I was crying.

I couldn't tell her. She didn't know about Sirius. None of my friends did.

"Snape, he just..." I croaked, (what? He was horrible, so I could blame him.)

"That git!" said Ginny holding me close. "He's horrid! Don't mind him." So sweet of her.


In no time at all, I had made many friends. Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones were quite great people. I also grew a little distant to Lavender but was friendly to Parvati, but I spent most of my time with Ginny and we were inseparable although sometimes I was with Harry, Ron and Hermione. I also liked Fred and George and there was a night that they took me to the kitchens and I got some food for Orion the dog. Oh, and they helped me to prank Snape. Don't ask how but we actually got his hair to turn red. I loved it. There were times I actually spoke civilly to Draco but Blaise Zabini creeped me out with his staring. I loved my lessons especially DADA and not only because my uncle taught it. But even though I was the best in my Potions class, I hated going down to the dungeons or rather I disliked the teacher. Snape was bullying us all the time, especially Neville but Hermione tried to help him and I tried to assist Harry and Ron. That was a hopeless waste of my time. I grew to like Trelawney too, she was my favourite teacher. Lavender, Parvati and I would visit her sometimes. But I always stayed behind to discuss my abilities with her, she was very helpful. Care of Magical Creatures , no matter how much I liked Hagrid, was boring. I mean, who in their right minds wants to care for Flobberworms? By the start of October there was a Hogsmeade weekend. I didn't know whether to go or not.

"I signed your form here you go. Just stay close to the others and be careful. Don't walk alone." uncle Remus handed me the permission form for me to go to Hogsmeade.

"I don't know, Harry is gonna be all alone."I said hesitantly. My uncle raised his eyebrows at this. "...and Ginny too, she will be too." I corrected but the damage was done. He was looking at me strangely.

"I see." he said . After Transfiguration that day, I said to Harry, "You know, I can stay if you want. Uncle Remus would feel better if I stayed."

"No, go. I'll be fine." he said. On Halloween morning Harry looked so depressed that I almost stayed but Fred and George dragged me away.

"Come on, prankstar-in-training we need you to see Zonko's."Fred said as we entered Hogsmeade. The village was truly beautiful. Before Fred could drag me eastward, George stopped him .

"Fred we need to corrupt her with a taste of butterbeer first."

"Butterbeer? Uncle Remus never let me have it. Aren't I under age or something?" I asked. They spotted identical mischievous grins.  

"That's the point." said George and led me to Three Broomsticks the bar where I had my first butterbeer and my second and third.

"Enough. We don't want you getting drunk on butter, come on." George said and he led us to Zonko's joke shop. All I can say is that it was every prankstar's haven. Stink pellets, mud frogs, entangling shoe laces. I bought them all. What? Pranking is so much fun. Ron and Hermione stole me away from Fred and George and led me to Honeydukes to buy sweets for Harry and Ginny. When we got back, Harry looked happy about the sweets that we gave him. Ginny examined each of them suspiciously before eating them. Honestly. Harry told us that he saw uncle Remus drinking a Potion from Snape. I had to see him but then I remembered it was the full moon tonight. I always knew when the full moon was coming. After dinner Ginny and I were slow to go to Gryffindor tower but when we did, we found a congestion there.

"What is going on?" Ginny asked Harry, Ron and Hermione but before they could answer Dumbledore arrived. As he moved up the stairs, I saw that the fat lady's portrait was destroyed viciously.

"We have to find her. McGonagall tell Filch to search every portrait in this floor for the Fat lady." said Dumbledore.

"You'll be lucky." said Peeves' voice.

"What do you mean?"

"Ashamed, doesn't want to be seen. She was running through the landscapes. He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in.Nasty temper he's got that Sirius Black."

Wait, what?

Losing Hope: Sirius Black's daughter Book 1Where stories live. Discover now