Death omen

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Harry found me and grabbed my hand. I guess I must have looked terrible. My dad was here. He was here. I was vaguely aware of Dumbledore's instructions and barely felt Ginny leaving with the second years. 

"Come on." said Harry dragging me to the Great Hall so that I could find a sleeping bag when Percy told us to sleep.

"Do you think Black is still in the castle?" Hermione whispered.

"Dumbledore obviously thinks he's still here." said Ron.

"It's lucky he picked tonight you know the one we weren't in the tower." Hermione again.

"I reckon he's lost track of time being on the run. Didn't realise it was Halloween otherwise he'd have come bursting in here." Ron said. I wanted them to stop. I didn't want to think about him.

"Hey, are you alright?" Harry asked and I managed a tight smile and nodded . Really convincing Miley.

"They'll find him." Hermione said reassuringly, "Don't you worry.".Ron looked confused for a moment then,

"Hey your Boggart was-" he started by Harry cut him off.

"Shut up Ron." My hero.

Everyone was talking about how he got in. For me it was the why. I could not stand it any more I took a sleeping Potion that I had been preparing for Fred and George. It would only last a few hours but that was enough.

When I woke up it was around four in the morning I think, and I could hear low voices

"Do you remember the conversation we had, Headmaster before ah, the start of term?" Great Snape.

"I do Severus." Dumbledore replied.

"It seems almost impossible that Black could have entered the school without inside help. I did express my concern when you hired-"

"I do not believe a single person inside this castle would help Black into it."

My uncle, Snape thought that uncle Remus was helping Sirius into the castle. He would never do that.

The school talked about my father for what felt like forever. Hannah actually said he could turn into a flowering shrub. Honestly. One day after Potions, Draco pulled me aside.

"So what is your father up to this time?"he asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" I retorted.

"Whatever it is make sure you don't get hurt because I doubt if mother will show compassion this time around." he said stalking off. I frowned after him. Was he concerned about me? Blaise Zabini was staring again and I raised my eyebrows and he turned away. 

Harry was being closely watched and Madam Hooch had to oversee his training for Quidditch. The day before the first match I felt really anxious as my intuition kicked in, and I needed to see Harry but he never showed up outside the DADA classroom. In the end I went in. Snape arrived late for the lesson as he was the one temporarily taking it. Oh, yes uncle Remus was probably sleeping right now seeing as last night there was a full moon. He immediately criticized my uncle's teaching.

"Sorry, Professor Lupin I-" Harry was here.

"The lesson began ten minutes ago. So we can say ten points from Gryffindor." said Snape. But Harry didn't move and kept asking questions until Snape threatened to lose him fifty points. Snape continued criticizing my uncle's teaching skills. 

"Today we shall discuss,'' his eyes flicked to me,''werewolves.''. The slimy jerk! How could he do that? ''Which of you can tell me how we distinguish the werewolf from the true wolf.'' Only Hermione and I raised our hands.''Anyone?'' Snape said ignoring us.'' Are you telling me that Lupin has not ever taught you the basic distinction between-''

''We told you we haven't gotten as far as werewolves yet-" said Parvati. 

''SILENCE, I never thought I would meet a third year class which couldn't recognise a werewolf when they saw one.'' I knew it. He just wanted someone to know about uncle Remus. I zoned out of class and imagined how cool it would be to replace his chocolate frogs with mud frogs. Yes I would love to see his face splattered with mud. Suddenly my Eye opened and I saw it. My first vision. Harry was flying on his broom during a Quidditch match but it was very blurry. I saw him fall about fifty feet from the sky off his broom. And then I felt a sharp pain as if I shouldn't be here, like my life force was being sucked.

''Miley is sick sir!'' Parvati said. I couldn't breathe. Snape came close to me. He muttered something and the blurry vision that I just had replayed in my mind and also in his mind. I screamed.''Take her to the Hospital wing now. I'll be there shortly.'' he said. I fainted.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a dark place the only light came from ahead. It was a flawless white dress and the owner had her back to me. Her blonde hair flowed behind her shoulders. Before she could turn around, I was suddenly being pulled back. ''Don't go.'' said the woman not turning, but the pulling got stronger and forced my eyes open staring into electric blue ones.

''Tell me everything.'' Dumbledore said. And I did.

"I have never had visions before. It used to be just dreams and intuitions. Oh my gosh! Harry. He's gonna die. No one could survive that fall.'' I panicked.

''No. I'll be there for him. He will be fine. You need to sleep.'' he said. Of course I was in the Hospital wing. They gave me a sleeping draught but the next day, even though the draught fuelled my sleep, my subconscious knew that I had to wake up and save Harry. I felt very dizzy as I walked into the Gryffindor team's changing room. Harry was about to leave when he saw me. He panicked.

''Miley! You are sick. You aren't supposed to be here.'' he said steadying me. I tried to talk, to tell him not to play but my words were disconnected.

'' Don't play, you..could...die.'' I whispered, then the sleeping draught took over. I was woken up by something singing shrilly and annoyingly in the Hospital wing.

''Did Ginny's card wake you up?'' said Harry's voice. He was alive. Death omens were so overrated.

Losing Hope: Sirius Black's daughter Book 1Where stories live. Discover now