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Eren had finally washed up his clothing, a bit ashamed in the fact he only had two of everything. Two shirts, two trousers, two pairs of socks, two pairs of shoes. Eren had finally decided to reappear back to where he left off, doing chores.
"Eren!" Anne called, unnecessarily loud.
"You won't be having to make dinner tonight,"
"Why's that Step-Mother?"
"We're going to the Royal Ball, where you are not going," Anne pointed out before continuing, "Come on Jean! Sasha! We're going to be late!" Anne mentioned, soon hearing a rush of steps down stairs – Jean. Then a slow clonking noise coming down – Sasha.
"Why's Jean going if you're trying to attract the Prince?"
"Unlike you, I'm not going to be forever alone, I might meet a lucky someone there."
"Not so lucky you mean," Eren whispered inaudibly.
"Come on children, we must get going!" Anne grabbed Sasha's upper arm and Jean's wrist. "And don't you dare think about leaving, Eren!"
"Yes Step-Mother," Eren quietly sulked, Jean closing the door, not forgetting to smugly smirk at Eren before he leaves. Eren grunted, making his way to the stables, just like he did a couple hours ago. Eren lifted up an apple and held it up so that the horse could nibble on it, the horse decided to lick it whole before munching, causing the teared up Eren to snicker.
"Hello!" an over-excited voice screamed in Eren's ear, making him jump and turn around.
"W-who are you?" Eren questioned the brunette lady, who had glasses that reflected every light gleaming her way, making it unable to see her eyes.
"Well, I'm your Fairy Godmother of course! Awe, aren't you a cutie!" Fairy Godmother squeaked, pinching Eren's cheeks. "My baby's growing up so fast!"
"Why are you here, Fairy Godmother?" Eren took a step back from the crazy Fairy Godmother.
"Please, just call me Hanji! No need for formalities!"
"Why are you here, Hanji?" Eren asked again, hoping for an answer this time.
"To take you to the ball obviously, why else?" she grinned like a mad person.
"I can't."
"What of course you can! Here!" Hanji replied, lifting a brown stick in her hands and twirling it around. The unknown sparkling particles that drizzled out the tip of the wand soon twirled around the dumbfounded boy.
"What are you doing?!" Eren panicked as he saw fabric dance around his figure and extra weight on his chest while something itchy touched his exposed back. "Hanji?!"
"Just you wait, child." Eren huffed, then in an instant, when he glimpsed down he saw the most beautiful clothing that hung on his body. Then his eyes rested on his chest before they widened and looked at Hanji, raising his hands on his newly found flesh.
"E-erm Hanji-"
"The Prince is going to love it-"
"Was this meant to-"
"YEP!" Hanji giggled, cutting Eren's sentence off.
"Is t-this," Eren pointed to his unrecognised chest before speaking again, "...permanent?" Hanji hummed for a moment.
"Hmm, I can't- oh that's right! It only lasts for some time, so you must be back home at twelve sharp, alright Eren?" Eren flinched at the sudden seriousness in her voice.
"Y-yes," he stuttered as Hanji engulfed him in a tightening hug that could possibly be the death of him.
"My baby's all grown up!" Hanji burst with excitement but then her grin soon faded to a frown.
"What's wrong?"
"I need to take you there first! How about~" Hanji lifted her wond again, repeating the process as last time, however she flicked and made circular movements at different objects. Soon, a glorious carriage appeared out of the surroundings around Eren. Eren gasped out of astonishment. "Quick, get in! We don't want to be late, munchkin!"
"We're already late."
"But the Prince hasn't made his appearance nor announcement, yet, and there's the dancing." Eren nodded as Hanji bounced in her seat while the horse, that Eren had fed earlier, galloped towards the castle.
"Hanji, why did you make me..."
"Female? Why not!" Hanji sniggered, poking the tip of Eren's nose. Eren frowned, not sure how to react to the situation as he twirled his now long, brunette hair.
Soon the door was flipped open carefully. "Welcome to the Royal Ball, my lady," the guard welcomed.
"I'm actua-" Hanji wrapped her hand round Eren's mouth.
"Oh, thank you ever so much; later, Eve," Hanji cackled manically as she pushed 'Eve' out and the guard closed the door, leaving Eren with one last glimpse of Hanji's smug smile before they rode off.
I guess my name is Eve then. Eve walked slowly up the never-ending stairs, already gasping for air.
"Need help m'lady?" Eve swirled round, realising that the voice belonged to Jean.
"N-no thank y-you."
"Not gonna let me have a chance?"
"I'm fine, thank you," Eve spat out more confidently as she made the way up to the castle, alone and very nervous. Eve already heard the chattering fade as someone began to speak up. Eve started to hurry through, not wanting to be late, and finally made it towards the doors, the guards opening the two doors for her before she had the chance to open them herself.
The quiet crowd that were silent due to the speech of whoever was talking, suddenly all turned Eve's way, even the man at the top of the stairs giving the speech stopped. Eve walked in, slightly shaking from nerves with all the stares. The man at the top, who had raven hair and pale smooth skin, went to whisper something to the guard who stood next to him.
Suddenly the music began where it had left off and the attractive man soon spoke, "You shall dance." Everyone gathered with partners while others ate and drank, filled with mingling and introductions. Eve felt very misplaced.
A hand wrapped round Eve's waist, "Hello, again." Jean. Argh.
"H-hi," Eve struggled at Jeans grip until another hand snatched Eve away, almost possessively.
"Do you have any manners towards a lady?"
"M-my ap-apologies Prince Levi." Eve gasped and flung her head around, seeing the Prince she saw up on the stairs earlier is now behind her, his hand on her waist tightly. Jean nervously stumbled off.
"May I have this dance?"

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