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Eren glanced at his surroundings, his home, the home where he was rejected. His parents raised Eren happily and it was a loving household that everyone envied. As soon as Eren's mother was diagnosed with a sickness and soon following death and, Eren's father, Grisha had already gotten remarried. Eren's step mother was abusive and utterly horrible, wanting nothing but wealth and attention. She had a son and a daughter, Jean and Sasha. Let's just say that they weren't the best siblings, Eren's step-family had treated him as an unworthy servant. Whenever Eren's father would be home they'd force Eren to say 'such wonderful things' and act like a helpful friend.
As soon as Eren told his father that he wasn't interested in women, his father seemed to spend a lot less time with him, almost abandoning him to the step-family. He treated them as family, not so much with Eren.
"Eren! You haven't done the dishes yet?" Sasha yelled, smacking the back of his head. "I need food! Food right now! And because of you, I'm not getting any!" Sasha's greed wasn't for money, it was more towards food then anything. Sasha was actually kind when it was just her and Eren but Sasha's mother insists that she doesn't treat Eren as an equal. Jean on the other hand, is Eren's bully. Harsh. Cruel. Horse-faced. Always picking on Eren.
Eren continued scrubbing the plates before setting one of the plates in front of Sasha, who rewarded him with a generous smile; that was until his horrible step-mother, Anne, walked in. Sasha's smile soon disappeared into a glare.
Anne laughed, "Sasha, sweetie dear, food will be ready soon." Anne then turned her head and glowered, "Won't it?"
"Yes Step-Mother." She returned to Sasha with a unharmful smile and patted her shoulder before walking off.
Eren wondered off at the stables, grooming the horses. "When will I be treated rightly?" It was a rhetorical question, accepting the fact he'll live a rather lonely unmeaningful life. "I hope one day, that the time comes." Eren sighed, soon greeting soggy mud being thrown at his, not so fancy, beige clothing.
"Oh sorry asswipe! I didn't see you there!" Jean laughed mockingly.
"Shut it Horseface before I shove hay in your face," Eren spat, grimacing at the mud that felt slime-like.
"MOTHER!" Jean shouted, Eren fully knowing the fact Jean would lie to the extreme just to get him into trouble. Luckily Anne was too busy out shopping. "Damn it, where is she?" Eren ignored Jeans questions even though he knew the answer. All Anne had told Eren was that she was out shopping and then wondered off chuckling.
Eren drifted off to his room, well basement. It had no decoration and no luxury, the floor as always damp and the walls were rotten, a broken full-body mirror that still had shattered glass littered beneath it. Eren remembering the events clearly.
Jean had come down, simply stating rather then asking for confirmation that Eren was, in fact, gay. Eren had told his father a month ago who, had obviously, told Anne. And Anne, being herself, told her beloved children just so they could mock Eren further. Once Eren had told Jean that it was true, Jean had done nothing but jeer and as soon as Eren had spoken back, he lashed his anger out on Eren, slamming him into the mirror. Erens head hitting right in the corner, Eren was lucky Sasha had come down to check it out. Yes, Sasha was her rudest state when around Jean but that didn't mean she would let Jean hit him.
Eren laid on his stomach, his bed could be replaced by a rock and it wouldn't make a difference, he had one pillow and a short brown blanket with plenty of holes in. Eren flashed his eyes open, remembering he had to pluck out the weeds in the front garden. God knows what'd happen if Eren forgot one of his chores. Though it was midday, Eren was exhausted – but that wasn't a good enough excuse.
He sped up the stairs and out of the door, getting what he needed from the cupboard that was conveniently placed next to the basement door.
"Oh Eren! Don't worry for now, just dust the cabinets, they need doing," Anne ordered in a surprisingly polite tune as she walked down the outside pathway that reached the open front door. Eren couldn't help but notice the big bags she held in both of her hands. "Don't just stand there and look stupid, hold these for me." Anne spat, in her regular venom voice. Despite the confusing multiple commands, Eren rushed to Anne's side, grabbing the bags from her hands, not as heavy as he thought.
They had just entered through the front door and already Anne's voice was echoing through the 'humble' home, "JEAN SASHA I GOT A GIFT FOR YOU!" Practically deafening Eren.
"Yes, Mother!" Jean and Sasha answered in unison. Anne led them to the lounge with a grin, meanwhile Eren had gotten started on dusting. He actually enjoyed it, it took his mind away as a distraction although he wouldn't do it in his spare time unless he was bored.
More giggling and sniggering came from the room behind Eren, all he had to do is turn around and bend slightly to the side to get a little peak of what was happening, but Eren didn't like eavesdropping nor interrupting, especially if it had to do with them.
"Eren! Come in here!" Sasha called, the only time Sasha would want him around is for his opinion or for food, Sasha had earnt Eren's honesty, he owes her a few favours since Sasha was, oh, so kind to him in the past when they first moved into Eren's home. Eren stepped down the ladder and placed the cleaning products neatly on the counter for later before making his way to the lounge.
"Yes?" Eren got a glimpse and saw Sasha in a magnificent dress, it shone a brilliantly bright sapphire then leached into a golden cream. She also wore a golden necklace which had a diamond stored within, followed by matching earrings.
"You look gorgeous Sasha!" Sasha squealed in reply before turning back and quietly slamming the double doors that led into the dining room, where it's assumed that's where she was changing.
"What's the occasion?" Eren queried, one eyebrow raised towards Anne.
"The royal ball, the Prince is looking to be wed." Anne spoke as if it were to be an insult, directed at Eren.
"Can I go?" asked Eren, his eyes brightening at the false hope.
"Why would a faggot like you go?" Jean screeched, rushing through the hallway. "It's not like the Prince would pay any attention to you!" Anne held up her hand quite calmly, signalling Jean to stop, and he did. Eren held his breath, still waiting for Anne's answer.
"No, you are to stay here and clean the stables for the time being," Anne told him while Jean smirked.
"Why can't I? That's unfair! Mother, ple-"
"Step mother to you, I wouldn't want to raise a disgrace like you," Anne shuddered. Eren's face soon coming in contact with cake being shoved in his face by Jean. That wasn't all, Jean continued to smudge Eren's clothing with cake and foods, Anne still sitting formally, glancing out the window lifeless as if it wasn't happening, that is unless Eren were to protest. If that was so she'd snap out of hatred and scream at him.
Tears were searing to splinter out of the corners of Eren's eyes, teetering ever so dangerously as he sprinted his way down to the basement.
"You better not leave this mess!" Anne yelled. I didn't even ask her when the ball is, Eren thought, acknowledging the fact he has to survive at least seven hours before he can get some rest. Luckily no one bothered to complain that Eren goes to bed early. Let's just hope the ball won't go so late, hopefully I won't get tired. That is if I can go. I doubt it.

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