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"May I have this dance?" Prince Levi asked, as Eve was blushing a crimson red. Prince Levi held his index finger below Eve's chin, lifting her face from looking to the floor and to the Prince's face. "May I have this dance?" Prince Levi repeated, now all eyes were all on them, and Eve didn't realise that the Prince had, somehow, already took her to the centre of the room.
"Y-yes," Eve hesitantly accepted. Prince Levi's brow raised, a bit taken back at the lack of formality she had. "Sorry I-I don't know..."
"You don't know what?" the Prince asked as he enlaced their fingers together, holding hands, his other hand still wrapped round the women's back subtly.
"How to dance," Eve said, more confidently, yet still remained shy.
"Don't worry, I'll lead," the Prince reassured, as they were beginning to soon twirl, spin and swirl with each other around the centre of the room. "Are you sure you don't know? You're doing just as well as any other." Eve shimmered with beauty, her eyes filled with amazement as she was lost in the moment, enchanting the Prince even further. Eve became flustered and nodded shyly, somehow not making it awkward in the Prince's eyes. "Do you want to go somewhere quiet?" the Prince asked, ending the dance short and kissing her hand while bowing down when the music began to die down.
"Yes, please, Prince Levi."
"Levi," Levi corrected her, walking out of the ballroom; a breeze of fresh air submerging their senses as they came outside. "I want to know more about you." Eve just sighed. "Do you not want to?"
"No, of course not! S-sorry i-if it came out like tha-"
"I want to be wed to you," Eve froze, silent and still – shocked. "What's your name?" The Prince was at first was bold and confident, he's now unsure on what to do based on the womans reaction, slightly doubting the fact that everyone said that any lady would want him.
"Eve, I-"
The clock turned midnight, filling the air with the noise.
"I must go," Eve choked out, running off, Prince Levi catching a grip on her wrist and flinging her back to face him.
"I want to see you again." Eve wriggled out of his grasp on her wrist, dashing off without a word. Prince Levi jogged after her in a panic, soon tripping over. "Wait! Eve! Come back!" he pleaded as the woman disappeared off into the night; the Prince lifted himself up found himself glaring at the object that had given Eve a head start. It was a glass slipper glass slipper.
The Prince stopped any of his planned steps for a moment, staring at the glass slipper.
Eren scurried into the carriage; Hanji was no where to be seen. Was it a one time thing? The carriage rode off, Eren making sure it was going as fast as possible, not wanting his Step-Mother or the Prince to catch him out. The fabric around his figure hung loosely and became less tight, his legs were soon covered and wrapped with the trousers he wore before. His chest felt less of a weight at his chest and had felt warmer with his old shirt on. The dress colour turning into a beige and brown colour, the carriage began to shrink and crumble along the pathway, making it an uncomfortable, bumpy journey. Eren was getting squished and soon he fell out, rolling along the pavement in a painful manner. Eren yelped, realising his voice has gotten deeper, well that was relief that he was a male again. Eren clutched onto his stomach as if it were to fall out of his body.
He was too caught up in pain until a surprisingly-clean man's shoes were in front of his face, Eren looked up to see no one but the Prince.
"Hello, are you alright?" the Prince asked, his white horse behind him and looking ahead.
"O-oh h-hi Prin-" Eren tried getting up but fell on his chest again.
"I would help you but I'm in a hurry, have you seen a woman who has long, chocolate brown hair, wearing a beautiful dress, eyes like t-... like yours?" the Prince said questioningly and gazed into Eren's eyes, Eren only realising that the Prince isn't stupid, Eren pulled back.
"Eve...? You look a lot like her?"
"Coincidence? Maybe it's because she's my twin?" Eren spoke not so convincing, but it came out sarcastically, then his mind went back to Anne and the others.
"Damn! I got to go! E-erm I hope you find her! Bye!" Eren sprinted off, and left the Prince very curious but yet confused.
"There you are my little Princess!" Hanji smiled, reading his mind. "No don't worry, they're not here but if you were a second later, you would've been caught. You need to thank me for stalling!"
"Eren?!" Anne called along with Jean.
"What about the work?" Eren asked nervously, not wanting Anne to find his chores not done.
"I did it! Magic," Hanji whispered with hand movements.
"Yes?" replied Eren, walking back into the hallway to confront Anne.
"Did you clean the stables?"
"Good. Dismissed, go to bed."
"Did the Prince pick someone to wed?" Eren asked, a certain muscle in his body jolting before fluttering rapidly.
"Well the princess apologised and said he had ran off after them; pathetic. That girl has nothing but stupidity."
"Why did he have to get her?" Jean screamed. Eren glanced over at him, trying to look confused.
"He found a girl he wanted to court and the Prince took her away," Sasha snorted in Eren's ear, followed by Eren giving Jean a smirk but deep down throwing up in disgust that Jean liked him as a woman.
"Even without the Prince she wouldn't want you," Eren snickered.
"Shut up shit-face."
"Yeah, yeah, we all know it, Jean," Sasha backed up. Jean just trotted off upstairs to his room.
"You can go to bed now, Eren," Anne called out from the lounge.
The Prince stood there, getting off his white horse, deep in thought. He mentioned that she could be his twin but it sounded more of a question, liar, why is he hiding something? Maybe Eve is some sort of criminal or has some family issues that she wasn't allowed to go or something? But whose parents wouldn't want their child to marry the Prince? He had to 'urgently' go too, their eyes were identical. Suspicious. Is it possible Eve was him? How can you change genders in a night? Well I will find her, no matter what. The Prince glanced at the glass slipper again, why didn't I ask him to put it on?
"Levi?" the recognisable voice of his father called out, cutting him from his thoughts.
"Yes, Father?"
"You mentioned that you found who you're going to wed, so, where is she?"
"I found her but she's gone missing, I will find her; not to worry Father."

Cinderella - Ereri/RirenWhere stories live. Discover now