Jughead #2

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After that with the Twilight Drive-in, had Jughead been down. You knew about his living conditions, so you asked your mom if he could live at your house. She was fine with it and had no problems with you two sharing a room together. It made Jughead happy, but he was still sad. He would sit writing his novel in your room or at Pop's, listen to music or sleeping. As soon you come home from school, he lay in bed, already in a deep sleep. You knew your Juggie, and you knew something was wrong, so today you decided to do something from him.
Sunday morning you woke him up, and told him to get dressed.
"Baby, I'm tired", he mumbled. "Maybe another time".
You sat down beside him and took his hand.
"Juggie, I know you're down because of that with Twilight". Jughead took a deep breath, looking at your hands. "There for I want to do something for you, so you can get your mind of things".
"Get dressed, then I'll show you".

Jughead finally got dressed. You went downstairs, where you started to make breakfast. Jughead sat down at the kitchen table, looking at you.
"You woke me up this early, told me to get dressed, so I could get breakfast?", he asked.
"No, but I thought you would like some food before we went out".
Jughead started to smile by the word food.
"Mmmh, food", he said dreamy.

After breakfast you made him get out in the car. You sat yourself in the driver seat, starting the car, before driving out the driveway.
"Where are we going?", Jughead asked we his Jughead smile.
"Wait and see".

You drove down the road, close to the woods. Shortly after you came to an open space. There was no trees, just grass.
You parked the car, before jumping out. You went over to the other side of the car, we're Jughead stood waiting for you.
"What now?" You smirked at him, before going to the back of the car. You opened the door and pulled out a basked and a blanket.
"I have burgers, and cake in here", you told him. You saw a smile grew on his face. Jughead walked over to you, laid his hands on your hips and looked you in the eyes.
"You are the best, you know that?"
"It's not over yet".
"What do you mean?", Jughead asked confused. You winked at him before turning to the woods.
Suddenly a white furry dog came running through the woods. You knew Jughead always wanted a dog, but he couldn't afford to have one. Now that he's living at you, he could get one. Juggie's face lighted up in the moment he save the dog. Jughead sat down and scratched the dog behind his ears. He looked up at you with a big smile.
"Aw, what's his name?", Jughead asked.
"Hotdog", You said. "He's yours".
Jughead stood up.
"You mean that?"
Jughead cupped your face and looked you in the eyes.
"You're amazing", he said.
"I know", you said. Jughead chuckled before kissing you on your lips.
After that things went better from Jughead. He would play with Hotdog in your backyard. He would often bring you to Pop's, without his computer, which was new. Jughead haven't been that happy in a long time, and it was all because of you.
(Don't ask me were Hotdog was in the woods, coz' I don't know)
I wonder where Hotdog are in Riverdale. Archie suddenly have a dog named Vegas, but where is Jughead's Hotdog?

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