I Get a Funeral and Weapons

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When we had finally settled down, most of us were still trying to catch our breath, and even more were wiping tears from their eyes. Zoe still didn't understand why we had all started to laugh, nor did she understand why Poseidon was still laying in a bloody mess of torn flesh and bones that were trying to regenerate, so I explained it to her. By the end of my story, all previous mirth was completely gone, substituted for the same raw anger that was in Artemis's eyes when I finished my story the first time.

"After everything you did for that bitch, she couldn't even end your relationship right? Not to mention lying to you for so long, and with the ORACLE of all people?! Not to mention the fact that she was treating you like crap for having a crush on the Oracle in the first place! What the hell!" She shouted before beginning to murmer. I didn't catch much, but I did manage to hear 'bitch', 'kill her', and 'feed her to the wolves.'

"Don't bother," I said to her, causing her to look up at me in surprise. "It was my fault for not seeing her for who she really was, and falling for her lies in the first place. But the past is in the past. The gods have decided to give me a new life with Lady Artemis and the other Hunters, but I don't want any 'souvenirs' from this life. That included Riptide, so I tried to send your essence back to your constellation, but instead you were brought here. Do you have any idea why?"

"Probably because most of my essence was still here in Riptide. My guess, my spirit acted like a two differently sized magnets. The larger amount had a stronger pull, so it pulled my spirit back from my constellation," She explained. I just stared at her. "What?" She asked.

"That actually made sense," I said, my mouth still open as I stared at her. She just laughed and pushed my shoulder, causing me to stumble back.

"I'd hate to break up this love fest, but we still need to figure out a new name and arsenal for you Perseus," Hephaestus interrupted. I'd forgotten that we were still in the throne room.

"Name? Why?" I asked.

"Because if we need to go back into camp or into the mortal world, we wouldn't want any campers coming to realize who you are and try to make you forgive Athena's brat. Or worse, try to enslave you to them using any guilt or love you might still have for them." Artemis explained.

"Oh. Okay then, anyone have any suggestions?" I said.

"Should we bring your mother here to help discuss this?" Hera asked.

"She's dead," I said blankly. Everyone looked at me. "What?"

"What do you mean she's dead?" I heard a groan. I turned to see that Poseidon had gotten his face to look somewhat normal, though the rest of his body still looked like roadkill.

"The day you disowned me, I went back home to try to find some comfort with my mother. One of the neighbors told me that she died giving birth to my little sister. Paul was ready to take care of her as best as he could, but she died soon after birth. He leaped off of the hospital roof after he saw her tiny, lifeless body," I explained, my face a careful mask of calm. Zoe and Hestia both tackled me, hugging me tightly. I managed to stay on my feet and wrapped my arms around them, hugging them tightly as I tried to push back the tears. Hestia stepped back.

"Where were they buried?" She asked me.

"They haven't been. Not yet anyway. I had hoped that I might be buried with them, but I never picked a spot," I replied, watching Poseidon trying to reform. Gods took a REALLY long time to regenerate. I was so fascinated with his hair regrowing that it took me a second to realize that Hestia had started talking to me again. Damn ADHD.

"Sorry, what?" I asked.

"I said, would you like for them to be buried on Half-Blood Hill?" She asked again.

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