Chapter 2

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(Y/n) POV
I hold on to inuyasha tight as he jumps from tree to tree so that I don't fall off. "We're nearly there" he says to me as we exit the forest. "(Y/n) this is shippo, kilala and kaede" kagome said. Shippo is a small fox demon, kilala is a twin tailed cat demon and kaede is an old priestess. I nod at them "hello my names (y/n), I'm a half wolf demon. Kagome, inuyasha said that I needed to get the beads around my neck?" I say "ah yes, here, kagome say the words of subjugation. They need to be different. Ye cannot use The same as ye did with inuyasha." Kaede says while gently placing the beads around my neck "down girl" kagome says gently "nyeh" I cry out as my face hits the floor. "Hey she didn't do anything" inuyasha shouts defending me. He walks over to me "sit boy!" Kagome shouts causing inuyasha to crash down onto my back. "Oww" he says in pain. I yelp in pain and suddenly were surrounded by wolves and wolf demons. Inuyasha jumps up and growls "koga!" He growls in irritation. "Where are ya you flea bag" he shouts. "Oh it's just the mut" a male voice says mockingly to inuyasha. My long, bright blue hair Is sprawled out around me as I'm still laying on the floor. "Who is the wolf demon inutrasha" koga asks "hey! Don't disrespect him. And for the record the names (y/n)" I say while jumping up. "Inuyasha, can I talk to you?" I ask him quietly causing his ears to twitch "sure" he said while walking back near the forest. "Whats up?" He asks "well I was wondering if you could teach me how to fight? My father died before he could teach me and my mother wouldn't let me fight. I want to prove to them that I can make a difference" I ask quietly so that the others don't hear. Inuyasha looks at me shocked but soon covers the shock with an emotionless face. "Sure I can" he says. "Thank you!" I shout and jump into him with a hug. I pull away and run back to the others. "The first thing your gonna need to do is fight koga" he says before I leave the forest completely. "Cause the fleabag gotta go" he whispers then runs after me. "Koga I want you to fight (y/n." Inuyasha says to koga who nods knowing that saying no wouldn't do much good.

We stand a little bit away from the others so they didn't get hurt. "To make it more fair I'll only use my sword and claws" I say to koga. "If I win this I want you to join my pack." Koga states with a serious face. I nod. Koga makes the first move and runs at me at the last second I dodge to the side and knock his leg out from under him. He falls forward but pushes off the ground with his hands so he lands on his feat again. Koga runs at me again but I block the attack by swinging my sword at the ground, right where he would've been standing. "Ice Crescent claws" I shout as my claws grow longer and get covered in a thick layer of ice. I claw his right arm then jump out of his reach. I look up at the sky quickly seeing it turn night 'oh no, I need to finish this fight and fast. It's the night before the full moon, the night of my weakness'. I look back to koga seeing him holding his arm in pain. I run at him again "ice crescent crossfire" I shout using my most powerful move, scythes of ice grow from my wrists and I jump in the air. When I reach the highest point of the jump I do a flip swinging both of my arms, causing a cross of ice to shoot at koga. I'm still in the air when my vision goes blank for a second. When I open my eyes again my long hair goes from light blue to black. I start falling as my transformation finishes, suddenly a pair of arms wrap around me, my eyes are closed tight in fear. "Hey open your eyes" inuyasha says with an annoyed tone. I open my eyes slowly and look up to see inuyasha's bright, golden eyes staring down at me. "Why didn't you tell me that your time of weakness was tonight? I wouldn't have let you fight koga for so long if you had told me" he says while landing safely on the floor. "I didn't know it was tonight until I looked at the sky. I'm sorry" I say quietly. Inuyasha sighs and puts me on the floor he then crouches next to me 'surely that's uncomfortable' I think before looking at koga, who had walked up to us. "This fight was a draw, we can continue another time" I say while looking down at the floor. "I'm surprised you could even hit me. With the sacred jewel shards in my legs causes me to be able to move faster" he says before walking off with his pack. "You don't have to join my pack, I can tell that your more of a lone wolf, but the offer still stands" Koga calls over his shoulder before running and forming a twister around himself.

Now that koga she gone inuyasha seems less on edge which I'm thankful for. I stand up and suddenly I feel a hand in my ass. I turn around and punch the person before even looking at who it is. I look down at the floor to see a passed out Miroku and an annoyed sango and inuyasha. "You did the right thing" sango says while patting my back. I look at inuyasha to find him glaring at the monk. 'This is gonna be a long journey'

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