Chapter 5

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"Let's go" I say happily. "Kaede you should go back to the village. I'm sure you have a lot of work to do" kagome says with a smile while picking shippo up. "Guys something's heading this way" I say in warning. "The sacred jewel shard is getting closer" kagome says in shock. Me and inuyasha ready our swords, kagome notches an arrow, sango takes the hiraikotsu off of her back and gets ready to swing it, miroku holds his staff out as a weapon. When the demon appears I see that it's a skeleton. "I'll take care of this one" I say confidently "kagome where's the jewel shard?" I ask, not taking my eyes off my opponent. "It's in the skull. Be careful (y/n)." She says. I nod in appreciation. "Ice crescent claws" I shout as my claws grow and are covered in ice. I leap at the skeleton and slice its ribcage. However after a few seconds it regenerates. 'Not good. Wait kagome said the jewel is in its skull. I'll aim for that' I think. I take my sword and draw it. "Let's see what this thing can do. Full moon slash" I shout. "The full moon slash is an attack that uses the power of the moon to attack, tonight is the full moon so all of her attacks will be more powerful" a new voice says. I swing the blade at the skull and hear a satisfying crack as the skull shatters. I quickly jump at it and take the exposed shard. As soon as the shard leaves the skull the skeleton turns to dust. I walk over to kagome and give her the shard. "I hears a new voice who was it?" I ask curiously. "It's just myoga the flea" inuyasha says while pointing at his shoulder. "How do you know about my fathers sword?" I ask the small flea. "Well I was there when your father commissioned master totosai to make the sword. Like inuyasha's tetsaiga the sword you wield holds your demonic aura back." He explains. "Myoga is a coward and normally stays where it's safe, just like totosai" sango says from next to inuyasha. She glare ahead and I see why when I look behind her. Miroku is groping her ass again. I hear a loud slap and I flinch. "That's gotta hurt" I mutter "that was so worth it" the lecherous monk says happily. "(Y/n) I need to talk to you again" kagome says. "We'll walk ahead" I say to the others. "What was that this morning?" She asks happily "what was what?" I ask cluelessly. "You nearly kissed him." She squeals. "Ow. Go easy on my ears. I don't know what your talking about" I mutter looking away while blushing. "Oh I'm so telling everyone." She says while stoping and turning around. "No kagome" I shout. "Hey everyone. (Y/n) lov-. I cut her off "kagome loves koga" I say to the others. Kagome just gapes at me "oh crap!" I shout while running. "Down girl" she shouts and I hit the ground with a "Nyeh". After the effects wear off I slowly stand up. "Gee crazy woman. Are you trying to give me a concussion?" I shout dizzily. As soon as I get to my feet I fall again. Suddenly I smell lavender and trees as I'm picked up. I sigh and burry my head in his chest again /yes my plan worked/ I hear kagome think /kagome why can I hear your thoughts?/ I think to her. /it must be one of your powers. Try it on someone else/ she thinks back. /inuyasha/ I think to her while sending the emotion nervousness through our link. I think of inuyasha /(y/n) is so adorable... wait what am I thinking?/ I hear him think, I feel love and confusion from the link. /inuyasha/ I think to him sending confusion. "Looks like I figured out a new power" I say with a small laugh. /so you think I'm adorable do ya?/ I think teasingly. I look up at his face and see he's blushing, he looks down at me and looks me straight in the eyes. /how could I not think your adorable/ he thinks with a small smirk. Then I feel his nervousness /listen about earlier. I meant every word of it and I think I might-/ I'm bought back to reality as Miroku hits the floor creating a loud bang. I look at him to find sango's hiraikotsu resting on Miroku's head. 'That thing looks heavy' I think as I see Miroku barely holding the weight of the large weapon.
We've been traveling all day now and everyone's tired so we set up camp again. I walk over to a nearby river and catch around twenty fish. "Inuyasha, kagome, guys a little help" I say while taking a large pile of fish to carry back to camp. Kagome and inuyasha help me by carrying piles of fish as well. "Thanks for the help guys" I say happily "hey girls how about we take a bath?" Kagome asks, more like demands. We all agree "if any of you look at us you will be at the top of my kill list" I say in a serious tone. The boys looked frightened and nodded. We walk back through the bush and take our clothes off. We then get into the water. It was cold. After around ten minutes the others were too cold and had to get out. They went back to camp. I sat back against a rock and relax. Suddenly I hear a loud splash. I smelled lavender and trees, a scent that I was beginning to grow used to. I quickly cross my arms over my chest and open the link /why did Kagome push me into the lake, she knows that (n/n) is in here/ he thinks. /Kagome pushed you? That little obsessed, idiotic, bratty, no good witch./ I think to inuyasha before opening the link with Kagome /I hope my plan is working/ the thinks /you planed this/ I think with annoyance and embarrassment. Then I close the link. I look up to see inuyasha facing away from me. I sigh "inuyasha you can turn around you know" I mutter quietly. He doesn't reply but he does turn around and walk over to me. Luckily I kept my chest covered when I was using the links. "Yasha, what were you going to say earlier?" I ask innocently. "I'd rather not talk about what I was going to say earlier, especially like this." He says looking away while blushing. I can tell he's nervous, I just don't know if it's about what he's going to say or the fact that I'm nearly completely naked. I'm lucky that I kept my underwear on, but I still felt it necessary to cover my chest. He keeps looking straight ahead and looking at the forest that covered the small lake we were in. "Inuyasha" I say while walking towards him, as I placed my foot down a rock came loose causing me to fall forward. I yelp in surprise as inuyasha catches me. 'This just gave awkward a new level.' I though with a blush. Through the link I can feel something that I don't understand, embarrassment, amusement and worry. "Are you ok?" He asks I nod in reply. I knew that I wouldn't be able to say anything without stuttering so I didn't bother. "Ok that's enough time in the lake. And to make sure you don't hurt yourself climb up" he says while crouching in front of me so that I could climb onto his back. I decided to mess around "no" I say while sticking my tongue out at him. At the same time I stomp my foot childishly. He looks at me with amusement. "Looks like I'll just have to carry you out then" he says mischievously while picking me up bridal style. "What are you doing?" I stutter with a blush. "What does it look like Im doing?" He asks before looking down by accident. His head shoots up and I can see that he's blushing. "It looks like your checking me out" I say mischievously.

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