Chapter 6

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After that embarrassing moment in the lake we head back to camp. /kagome I am going to hurt you/ I think to her while growling. "As I'd rather not be killed right now I'm going to go back to my era, sango can I borrow kilala?" Kagome asks sango. "Sure, kilala" sango calls for the cute little cat demon. Suddenly a fire bursts around kilala and I see that she's changed to her battle form. "So cool" I mutter. "I think it's time the rest of us get some rest" Miroku says surprisingly not making a move on sango. We all nod in agreement. Inuyasha walks over to a tree again and sits against it. I walk over to him and sit next to him. "Lie down Inu." I say while gently patting my legs. He gets the point and places his head on my lap. When he closes his eyes I hear him sigh. I gently start petting his ears. At first he growls a warning but soon leans into my hand. I lean my head back against the tree and fall into a dreamless sleep.
I wake up when I feel someone shifting me. "Hey it's just me, go back to sleep" a tired sounding inuyasha says. "What are you doing?" I ask tiredly. "You looked uncomfortable sitting against the tree like that so I decided to move you." He explains earning a quiet "thank you" from me. I cuddle into his chest and fall back into a peaceful sleep.
I wake up before everyone else and notice that I'm laying on a soft futon. Another thing that I notice is that there's a pair of arms wrapped around my thin waist. I look up to see golden eyes looking down at me. I take a deep breath when noticing how close we are. However when I do I catch the scent of someone I never wanted to see again. "Inuyasha, do you smell that?" I ask in fear. He takes a deep breath through his nose "yeah" he says, then his eyes widen "it smells like you... it's your family right... that's why your so scared?" He asks calmly. I whimper and curl into his chest. "What's wrong (y/n)?" I hear Kagome's voice chime in behind me. "Her family is near" inuyasha says angrily. "Haha so much like your father" a sinister voice calls from the trees. "Too bad he's not here to save you anymore" my mother says stepping into the light. I jump up and take a defensive position with inuyasha and the others behind me. I look at my mother and see she has her bow with her /this ain't good, my mother is a priestess. She can use sacred arrows/ I think to inuyasha and kagome. My mother aims an arrow at inuyasha, not thinking properly I jump in front of him. The arrow hits my back and digs into a tree. What scares me the most is that there's someone in front of me pinned to the tree as well. I look up and see silver and red through blurred eyes. "Inuyasha..." I mutter weakly he looks down at me and smiles. My vision fades and I let my head limply fall into inuyasha's chest. "I couldn't protect you...I'm sorry..." I mutter before everything turns black.
Kagome's POV
I feel tears flow down my face like waterfalls as I look at (y/n) and Inuyasha passes out while pinned to a tree with a sacred arrow. I look at (y/n)'s crazy mother. "Just like I did to her father when I found him with that girls mother" she cackled making my head ring. "How could you do that?" I shout with a newfound anger. "What do you mean aren't you her mother?" I ask still angry. /kagome we can see everything you can. If you want we can lend you some power, however if we do you will temporarily become a half like us/ I hear (y/n) think to me. I look over at her and nod /this girl isn't your real mother, she pinned you and inuyasha to a tree. I'm not going to stand by and watch/ I think determined to help my friends. I raise my hands to my head to find my human ears gone. I reach up higher and feel a pair of dog ears. I look down to see a wolf like tail trailing behind me. /can I borrow tetsaiga/ I ask /just don't break it/ inuyasha's angry voice says. "You guys get outa here" I shout to sango, Miroku and shippo. As fast as lightning I run over to inuyasha and take the sword. I draw the powerful demon sword and swing it "wind scar" I yell and with inuyasha's help I hit the mark. With the woman out of the way I run over to inuyasha and (y/n) and pull the arrow out. Their wounds heal instantly and they crash to the ground. When they wake up I go back to normal. I'm human again.
(Y/n) POV
We wake up and slowly get up of the ground where we fell once kagome pulled the arrow out. I look at her "good job" I say sadly. 'She said she did the same thing to my father and my real mother' I think while walking over to the campsite and packing up all the things with the help of kagome. "Inuyasha, (y/n) your ok!" Shouts a happy shippo as he ran into inuyasha's arms. /so she wasn't my real mother, that explains why my 'sisters' are full human and not half demon like me/ I think not knowing that I thought it to inuyasha. "I'm going for a walk" I mutter quietly walking away from the group.

After a few minutes of running I stop and lean against a tree. I fall to my knees and cry. I'm crying so loudly that I don't hear the huge demon crawling in front of me. I look up and I'm calm as the giant bear demon wraps its jaws around my waist. I don't fight back. Suddenly a new demon comes into the fight a whip of poison coming from his sharp claws. Sesshomaru. The bear shakes his head causing its teeth to tear through my flesh. "Are you not going to fight back?" Sesshomaru says with irritation in his voice. "I have nothing to live for" I say coldly. "(Y/n)!" I hear inuyasha's voice shout as he runs into the clearing. "Inuyasha, she's lost the will to live. She needs to find that will to live so we can't help her." Sesshomaru says coldly "There however is a way. Wolf demons are loyal to their pack members, if she saw that you were in danger she would run to help you". I don't hear a reply but I do hear metal crashing. I turn to the two brothers and I'm shocked to see...

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