Chapter 3: Stones

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The two had gotten ready on the second day. Chloe throwing on a t-shirt and jacket while June had a tank-top and flannel. Both using their clothing to hide their gems.

The two ran downstairs, Kyle had early classes today, so all they ran into was Abby and her two friends in the living room.

"Hey, you guys doing anything today?" Jodie asked the two.
"We were actually going to go drop off Chloe's dirty clothes at her house today." June replied while pulling out two mugs to make coffee.

"Well, we were planning on going to the Central mall later today if you wanna come." Jodie looked back at them from the couch, Abby and Mya were playing video games.

"Sounds like fun, doesn't it, Chloe?" June smiled at Chloe
"I've never been to the Central mall." Chloe mumbled.
"Really? You haven't?! Its the biggest mall in the entire city!" Jodie was really suprised, although it might just be because she spends all her time at the mall.
"I guess we can go, but we have to take care of stuff first." Chloe decided, and ran back upstairs to grab her bag.

"Youre really patient with Chloe." Jodie added

"What? Shes not that hard to get along with." June defensively replied.
"Im kidding." Jodie laughed.

Chloe arrived downstairs with her bag in a matter of seconds, the two said goodbye and made their way to Chloe's apartment.

"So whats your favorite thing about living in the city?" June asked, trying to get some small talk out.
"Hmm, I think I like the rush, and the tall buildings in the city." Chloe replied.
"I like all the big stuff that happens around here." June added.

"June, why did you agree to go to the mall?" Chloe seemed down.
"Whats wrong with the mall?" June noticed Chloe's worried look.
"What if Im forced to try on something without sleeves and I have to show them? Theyll see." She was secretive about her gem, only her mom and June knew about it.
"It'll be fine. Just dont try on anything without sleeves."  The two stopped and pressed the button for the crosswalk.
"But what if they make me?"
"Say no."

The timer blared green and flashed a countdown of twenty seconds, they waited hesitantly, but walked as soon as the number hit 12.
All of a sudden, Chloe stopped in the middle of the crosswalk. Not moving an inch.

"Chloe? Come on, we only have seven seconds left!" June tugged at her arm.
She didnt move.
"Chloe!" She yelled, but Chloe just stood there, staring.
"Whats going on?" The timer hit 2, June picked up Chloe and ran.

They made it to Chloe's apartment complex, yet Chloe was still just staring into space in June's arms.
June walked into the lobby, the complex was run down, and the desk had no employees working there.

"Chloe! Wake up!" She lay Chloe on the ground, shaking her.
"Oh no.." she shook Chloe more violently.
"Please... wake...up.." tears filled June's eyes as she shook her more.
June didn't hesitate slapping Chloe's comatose state across the face a couple times, but after a few minutes, Chloe sat up in a heartbeat, breathing heavily, like she just ran a mile.

"June!" Chloe hugged June as hard as she could, receiving an equal hug back.
"What happened?" June asked while she rested her chin on Chloe's shoulder.

"It was all a blur, I dont know." Chloe responded.
"You almost got hit by a car! I was worried sick!" June was wiping tears from her eyes, making her sleeve a bit damp.
"Don't do that again!" She added on, sniffling.

The two regrouped and went up into the old apartment, the floor was rickety and she shared a room with two others, no wonder Chloe loved June's apartment so much.
The two crept past Chloe's mother sleeping on the couch, then walked into Chloe's room, which had two mattresses and a crib.

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