Chapter 1 "Beginnings"

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*We'd start in space 1969, NASA is flying a spaceship to the moon*

-Crew-"Mr. Armstrong what is your position."

-Neil-"We're on the moon, I'm ready to place the American Flag down."

*Neil Armstrong would place the flag down, from Earth everyone is cheering*

-Neil-"That's one small step for man, giant leap for mankind."

*Neil notices a Space Hatch on the moon*

-Neil-"Wait, I think I see something."

*There'd be a giant futuristic space hatch that glows green*

-Neil-"I'm seeing what's inside."

*Neil opens the hatch and spirits fly out*

-Spirit-*laughs evilly* "My brothers and sisters we are finally free!"

*All the spirits laugh evil and praise the Spirit*

-Spirit-"After 65 million years I'm free, the time has come to take revenge on Zordon and conquer Earth ."

*The spirits would fly towards earth*


*Present day 2017, Angel Grove, California*

*School bell would ring, students exit their classrooms*

*Jason and Zack would be laughing*

"No way Jason, the Patriots cheated all the way."

"Zack, if you actually paid attention, Patriots took the win."

*They would pass by and see Billy getting bullied by Bulk and Skull*

-Jason-"C'mon Bulk leave the kid alone."

-Billy-"Uhh, my name's Billy." *he'd say while fixing his glasses*

-Bulk-"We don't need to listen to you, Scott."

-Zack-"Then listen to me."

*Zack stands over Bulk and Skull*

-Zack-"Walk away, man."

-Skull-"No need to tell me twice."

*Bulk hits Skull on the arm and makes a 'what' face, they both walk away*

-Billy-"Thanks, that was quite the save."

-Jason-"Don't mention it, you alright?"


-Zack-"Whatever, dude."

*Jason and Zack both walk off*

-Jason-"Are you going to that Juice bar opening, tomorrow?"

-Zack-"Yeah, it finally gives me a chance to show you my awesome karate skills."

*makes grunts with mouth has he does moves*

*They'd both laugh*


*In the Command Center where Zordon is in his tube and Alpha 5 lurks around*


-Zordon-"Alpha, what is happening?"

-Alpha-"We've just received Energy emanating from a Power Coin."

-Zordon-"False, all the Five Power Coins are here."

-Alpha-"Except for one, remember."

-Zordon-"It's Rita, she's returned from the Time Hatch."

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