Chapter 2 "Metamorphosis"

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-Black Ranger-"Woah, Zordon wasn't really kidding!"

-Blue Ranger-"We really do have tremendous power."

-Yellow Ranger-"It's like I'm in a video game."

-Pink Ranger-"I'm not gonna lie, this is pretty cool."

-Red Ranger-"We can talk about how cool this later, we need to take down these guys."

*all the rangers would run towards the Putty army and fight*

*Goldar would attack each of the rangers and they would fly back*

-Red Ranger-"You guys continue to fight the Putties, I'll handle the monkey in the gold suit."

*A red sword materializes from Jason's hand*

-Red Ranger-"Woah, I got a sword!"

*Red Ranger runs towards Goldar, they would fight*

-Black Ranger-"Hey, how come we can't do that?"

-Blue Ranger-"We probably can."

*A blue lance materializes from Blue Ranger hand*

-Blue Ranger-"Like I said."

*Blue Ranger runs towards the putties*

*The remaining three rangers summon their weapons*

-Black Ranger-"Let's do this!"

*Red Ranger struggles to fight Goldar*

-Goldar-*In ancient language*"You will never be able to defeat me!"

*Goldar slices Red Ranger, demorphing him*


-Yellow Ranger-"Jason!"

*The four rangers run to Jason*

-Black Ranger-"Don't worry we'll get him for you."

*The rangers run towards Goldar, Goldar strikes each one down, demoprhing them*

-Zack-"Why can't we defeat him?"

-Billy-"I thought we had tremendous power, I've never been wrong before."

*Rita Repulsa's spirit reveals*

-Rita-*In ancient language*"Goldar, return at once, you must revive me so I can destroy these rangers."

-Goldar-"Yes, Queen."

*They disapear at a flash of green*

-Trini-"There's no way I'm in this, I could get killed."

-Billy-"Scientifically, I could end up in the Infirmary if I continue this."

-Zack-"This is way too dangerous."

-Kimberly-"Even I'm saying it's crazy."

-Jason-"Guys the world is coming to an end, we're the only ones who can stop this."

-Trini-"Jason, are you serious."

-Jason-"Look, I hate this town but, I'm not going to sit around and watch the world die."


-Jason-"I can't force you guys to come but, at 5:00 tomorrow, I'll be there."

*Jason walks off*


*In Rita's Moon Palace*

-Rita-"Start the revival ceremony."

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