Chapter 7 "Powerful"

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-Red Ranger-"Remember guys, same plan."

*Pterodactyl Zord detaches from chest and lands in the back, and Megazord starts to fly*

*Megazord picks up Goldar*

*Goldar slash's the arm and they drop Goldar in the ocean*

-Black Ranger-"I couldn't hold him, his strike was too strong."

-Red Ranger-"At least we got him out of the city."

-Pink Ranger-"Guys, I think that my Pterodactyl can form a sword."

-Yellow Ranger-"Give it a try."

*Pink Ranger slams on her Power Coin, Pterodactyl Zord head detaches and lands on Mastodon hand*

-Red Ranger-"Wait, I'll form my sword."

*Red Ranger slams on Power Coin, tail detaches and lands on other Mastodon hand*

-Blue Ranger-"We can use this to our advantage."

*Megazord is now holding two swords on each hand*

*Megazord blasts goldar back with T-Rex Cannon*

*Goldar steps back a little bit*

*Megazord strikes with Pterodactyl Sword, then T-Rex Sword*

*Rangers notice that Goldar isn't moving*

-Yellow Ranger-"Uhh, guys Goldar isn't moving."

-Red Ranger-"Let's try the power strike."

*All rangers slam on their megazord power coin*

*Megazord flies up in the air and hurtles down*

*The two swords aim towards the front*

-Red Ranger-"Megazord, Power Strike!"

*Megazord strikes with both swords as it lands*

*Smoke fills the ocean*

-Black Ranger-"Did it work?"

*Smoke clears, Goldar appears all fine*

-Red Ranger-"Dammit."

-Goldar-*In ancient language*"Now it is my turn."

*Goldar kicks the Megazord far*

-Red Ranger-"Kim, get back to the chest plate we'll need all the shielding we can get."

*Pink Ranger slams on Power Coin, Pterodactyl Zord becomes chest plate*

-Black Ranger-"If it's shielding, I can help you there."

*Black Ranger slams on Power Coin and Mastodon head becomes shield*

-Blue Ranger-"We need to engage now."

*Goldar flies to the Megazord and strikes, Megazord defends with shield*

-Red Ranger-"Go go, Rangers!"

*Mastodon punches Goldar in face*

*Goldar steps back*

*Megazord kicks Goldar in stomach, he looses balance and falls*

-Red Ranger-"Alright, let's end this here and now."

*Megazord jumps in the air and holds sword in front*

-Red Ranger-"Megazord, Power Strike!"

*Goldar catches sword and throws them away*

*Goldar stabs Megazord in arm*

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