Chapter 3 "Training"

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-Ernie-"Que Pasa my friends, welcome to Ernie's Juice Bar & Youth Center!"

-Jason-"Thanks, we're here to train."

-Ernie-"Head right through there then."

*The group heads inside the training room*

-Jason-"Alright team, let's not waste time it's just a matter of time before Rita attacks."

-Zack-"I hear that..."

-Kimberly-"I'm just going that way."

*The team would go their separate ways leaving Jason*

-Jason-"Uh guys, why don't we train as a team?"

*Zack and Jason would be on the Punching Bags*

*Kimberly and Trini would practice their kicks*

*Billy would try doing push ups and sit ups*

-Jason-"Alright guys, we can take a break."

-Kimberly-"No way, I'm not loosing to Gold boy or Angsty Rhino."

-Zack-"I agree with Kimberly, we came here to train and that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

-Jason-"Billy, Trini?"

-Billy-"If I continue these push ups my strength will increase by 20%."

-Trini-"I'm not getting defeated by any monster anymore."

-Jason-"Well we should at least head to the Command Center and see what's going on."

-Kimberly-"We'll join you later, Jason."

*Jason is confused on the teams teamwork*

-Jason-"Well, I'll see you guys later."


*In the Command Center*

-Alpha-"Sir, I've just located the Mastodon Zord."

-Zordon-"What zords are left?"

-Alpha-"Just the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Pterodactyl."

*Jason teleports in*

-Jason-"Hey Zordon, Alpha."

*Alpha would disperse the screen*

-Zordon-"Jason, where is the team?"

-Jason-"That's actually what I wanted to talk about, being leader is pretty hard, they won't listen to me."

-Zordon-"I understand what that is like."

-Jason-"You were Red Ranger?"

-Zordon-"I was the first Red Ranger, before Rita betrayed us and manipulated me into energy."

-Jason-"Rita was a ranger?!"

-Zordon-"It was a mistake I should've never had made, now she has a Power Coin."

-Jason-"But, I thought there were only five Power Coins."


-Alpha-"Rhinoblaster is back and is wreaking havoc."

-Jason-"I'm on it."

*Jason teleports outs of the Command Center*

-Alpha-"Sir, that was a good choice to tell him."

-Zordon-"I'm not a fan of this Mentor job, It's very hard."

-Alpha-"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it."

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