cold feet; date at 7

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Hey everyone, I'm Carrie. I got all of my ideas from a few books I read (not on Wattpad) and a couple movies I have seen. Please comment and tell me what you think. Enjoy!

********Chapter 1********

Living alone wasn't my choice. Or my mother's. Or my brother's. Maybe God's choice, but certainly not mine. It all happened long ago in a dreadful town. The skies were always blue, and children laughed throughout the neighborhoods and schools. Everyone was always happy, including myself of course. Its just not everyday you have to say goodbye.

I didn't get the chance.

I was too late.

I was twelve years old. My mum was 43, my brother only 15. My father lived on the other half of the country probably on his couch drinking his Jack Daniels with hookers around him. We left when I was young, all I know is that he is a cheating, lying son-of-a-bitch.

I was at softball practice on Tuesday April 7. My mum took Gavin (my brother) to go with her to pick me up at the Keith Hankson Field down by my school. I waved to her as her and Gavin got out of the car. A large UHAUL truck was barreling at no less than 45 on a main road, too fast for the polices' liking. As she turned to wave back at me my heart slipped from my chest to the grass in a matter of seconds.

I got no wave back from my mother.

Or Gavin.

The truck had killed them. The impact was excruciating, no one could survive that type of careless drunk driving behavior.

But that was six years ago. I now live in Seattle, its always very rainy, which I appreciate. The rain is very calming and relaxing. I work at a record store just two blocks away, just a ten minute walk three days a week. I live in a tiny apartment 755 square feet, I can manage, its only me.

On Friday I heard as noise coming from outside my door. Sounded like some guys running around or something. I grabbed a trash bag and put an empty pizza box and some crap in it to make it look like I was going downstairs. But in reality I am trying to have a Nancy Drew investigation. As I walk out the door in my ripped light blue bootcut jeans and Pink Floyd tee, I see five guys moving into an apartment directly across from me. FIVE. Not one, or two, but FIVE GUYS. and not to mention cute guys.

I casually walk by and a boy with a breathtaking smile and brown glassy eyes smiles at me and stops me in my tracks.

"Hey, um, I'm Liam. We are uh, just moving in today..."

"Hi I'm Fay. Nice to meet you."

He held out a large hand and I took it for a moment. It was warm and firm. And protective. I saw a blond boy come over and he also held out a hand and said he was Niall. I had forgotten I was still holding onto Liam and I blushed like an idiot. Liam softly laughed and leaned against the wall. I could feel his eyes on me but I pretended not to notice. The other three were Louis, Harry, and Zayn. All were very polite and funny. I held up my bag to signify that I was taking it out, so I trudged my bare feet down the three flights of stairs into the garage and placed my bag in barrel number thirty six. When I turned to go back I could hear feet coming down in a slight hurry. "Oh hey Liam."

" you want to um, come over later? Like its our first night here and maybe you could tell me, I mean us, about the city and stuff I guess like only if you want I mean its fine if you don't I mean I -"

"I'll be over at seven." I smiled and huffed a laugh.

"I'm glad you can read my mind Fay."

I started to walk back up and felt feet close behind mine. As I glanced behind me he was walking back up with me. I stopped and said, "Would you happen to be stalking me?''

"Well I cant seem to find a way around that pretty face."

I could feel my cheeks heat even though it was absolutely FREEZING down there. I puffed a small cloud of visible air and continued to walk. I felt strong arms lift me up and I squealed a little.

"Don't want those feet cold now do we?''

I had my arms around him as he raced up the stairs effortlessly. When we got to the floor we were on we started laughing and smiling, and noticed all the boys were staring.

"Liam we haven't been here an hour and ya already want to get in her pants, at least give it till nine tonight, then get laid." Louis joked. Niall and Harry both slapped him on the head simultaneously while Zayn was dying of laughter.

I walked into my apartment and turned around, "see ya at seven Liam."

"See ya at seven Fay."


Hey guys sorry its short! I will be updating really soon!! Thanks!

P.S. how was it?

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