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Kousei is now attending the Maihou Music Competition. Tsubaki is also to go to watch with Nao, Watari, and of course, Koharu and Miss Hiroko.

Not long before the competition had started, Kousei saw two familiar faces in the audience crowd.

"Arima!" The two familiar faces blurted out

"Hmm?" Kousei said, looking in all directions until he saw Aiza Takeshi and Igawa Emi.

"Ah, Kousei... We met once again..." Emi said, "Things do really change, huh..."

"Hey, Kousei! Long time no see!" Takeshi remarked, "What Etude are you going to play?"


"Ah, that's quite hard. Mine is the Aeolian Harp." Emi said, combing her charcoal black hair.

"Me? I had the Revolutionary Etude." Takeshi replied, getting an egg sandwich.

"AH!" Kousei blurted out, "Takeshi! I remembered that!"

"Oh you knew it well, Arima..." Takeshi replied as he handed Emi and Kousei his extra sandwiches.

"Hmm... it tastes better..." Emi remarked, "I have more chances of winning today. Let us find out later who will go to Poland for the competition."

"I guess I had to change too..." Takeshi said, and the two left Kousei.

Kousei took out his purse again. Kaori was there as a still image. She was the person who brought him back to the stage. The memory living in his head made him smile and go on spreading his song.


After a number of starting performers, Takeshi played the piece. He played as if picturing some war to freedom. Everyone was silent, enough to feel Chopin.

Next was Emi. Her emotional playing of the Aeolian Harp was like a skater in an ice rink. Her delicate touch made different colors shine.

Finally, Kousei took the stage. The judges and the spectators noticed a great change in his playing style; it was more on adding sentiments and it really was a touching one. Tsubaki's gaze froze at his sight, and did not say a word until he was finished.

"Kousei... That's Kaori!"


Tsubaki went on the lobby to check the results


3rd Place: Aiza Takeshi
2nd Place: Igawa Emi
Champion: Arima Kousei

Tsubaki slightly cringed. "Why?" She remembered the conversation between Kousei and Miss Hiroko


"Do you best to get a chance to compete abroad..."

"What would happen if I do, Miss Hiroko?"

"You would study in a conservatory. The one that would make you an outstanding virtuoso..."


Kousei walked out of the stage and back in his casual outfit, Tsubaki saw him and pulled his arms.


Kousei was surprised at the violent mode of Tsubaki.

"You...You are going to leave us?"

The Afterlife Sonata (Your Lie in April fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now