First Day of the rest of my life

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My name is Emma Kumori and I live with Laito, Ayato, Shu, Reiji, Kanato and Subaru but I didn't live with them 2 days ago.

2 days earlier...

I was walking around town with my friends checking out stores on the streets and we had bought so many clothes. When I got home I was told I had to live somewhere else, and I was not happy about it but, I went along with it.

When I got to my new house I was in shock it was so big and so beautiful. I put my luggage down and saw someone sleeping on the couch at least, I thought so until he wasn't breathing.

Emma: "I need to call 911!"

I was fishing for my phone when the person on the couch grabbed my arm.

Ayato: "Geez you're a noisy little lady." I decided not to pull out my phone as he grabbed me by force.

Emma: "Ah! Let go of me!" I screamed.

Ayato: "I don't think so little darling." He said as he pulled me close and whispered in my ear something dark yet hot at the same time.

Ayato: "You're mine now-"

Reiji: "Ayato, please let go of her right now!"

Another male voice rang out and as soon as Ayato let me go I ran into the other man's arms and he held me close.

Reiji: "You're safe now little one shh it's okay."

I was shaking and crying in the man's arms and then I realized that, I knew him.

Emma: "Reiji it's me Emma." I cried softly.

Reiji: "Emma? It is you! Oh my goodness you have gotten bigger since the last time I saw you." He cried holding me tight.

Emma: "And when was that?"

Reiji: "2 years ago sweetheart."

Emma: "It has been to long Reiji too long."

Reiji: "It sure has Emma it sure has-"

Ayato: "Wait a minute.....Emma is that you?"

Emma: "Ayato? Oh my gosh it is you! I didn't even recognize you, my bad." I hugged him gently and he hugged me back.

Ayato: "I missed you so much hon-"

Laito: "Emma baby? Is that you?"

Emma: "Laito! I missed you so much baby." I leapt into his arms and kissed him and he kissed me back.

Laito: "Look how big you've gotten! You used to be so little." He beamed at me.

Emma: "Yeah thanks Laito hehe." I giggled as another voice spoke.

Shu: "Emma? Oh it is you! I missed you so much!" He said and gave me a hug and kiss which I responded with as well.

Emma: "Shu! I missed you too." He kissed me again with more passion then before.

Just then I heard another voice it sounded husky yet gentle.

Subaru: "Emma, darling is that you?"

Emma: "Subaru? Oh wow it's you!" I said as he turned me around to face him. He gave me a big hug and kiss.

Subaru: "I missed you so much Darling. I just missed you a lot..." He said as he held me close in his arms.

Emma: "I missed you too Subaru a lot-"

Just as I was talking to Subaru another voice spoke out like a small child.

Kanato: "Emma dear, is that you love?" He said coming up behind me as I let go of Subaru.

Emma: "Kanato? It is you! Oh my goodness I missed you so much!" I said as we hugged, his teddy in his arms.

Kanato admired me a lot so he spun me around slowly.

Kanato: "My look at you, you look more beautiful than ever..." I blushed as he gave me the most amazing compliment.

Emma: "Aw thank you Kanato." I said as Laito came up to us.

Laito: "it's getting late you must be tired, I'll let you sleep in my bed tonight babe."

Emma: "I'd love that thanks." I said as he took me to his room and tucked me in, then cuddled me as I drifted off to a beautiful sleep.

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