[FINISHED]One of the best known original m/m romances in Russia, loved by many. It won the Russian Wattys 2015 Award, now it's available in English too.
Alva Ahayrre is a Creedan nobleman and a courtier, a beautiful and frivolous redhead...
The noise of the waking camp was already coming from the outside. Alva thought he would at least look for the clothing he had cast off yesterday and maybe retrieve his belt that he had grown used to. He also felt strangely hurt that the elf refused to even say his name.
"Well, what did you expect? That he'd be all over you, especially after yesterday?" Alva asked himself, bitterly. Perhaps introducing themselves to humans was taboo for the elves. Could be lots of reasons. None of which helped deal with the bitterness he felt.
As Alva scrabbled around for his belt, where he had sat (and, frankly, lain) with the chieftain the night before, Kintaro, buck naked, crawled out of his tent on all fours. He rose, stretched and went behind the tent to relieve himself. Then Kintaro returned and guzzled whatever wine remained in the pitcher. He looked fit and well-rested, with no signs of fatigue or hang-over; particularly impressive given how much he had drunk, how little he had slept, and how creative he had been in his other activities.
"Good morning, noble Essanti chief," grumbled Alva. He went on digging through the pelts that covered the mound around the fire. "Maybe today we can finally get to talking about my mission."
Not wasting any words, Kintaro threw Alva over his shoulder and carried him towards the tent. Alva was too stunned to object; "Bloody hell" was all he could manage. There was no mistaking the chief's intentions: you could hang a saddle on his hard-on.
An illustration to this very moment, by Fat Red Cat
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When the Essanti put him down on the floor and began to kiss, unbuttoning Alva's clothes, Chevalier Ahayrre protested angrily. Dodging the greedy lips and hands, Alva hissed: "Now, you listen to me, chief. I have had enough. Very amusing, and all, but you promised to get down to business after the feast. I demand that you hear my King's offer, and give me your response as quickly as possible."
Kintaro let him go and sat back on his heels. He was smiling and his teeth gleamed in the gloom of the tent.
"I know why you came," he said, condescendingly. "Your King is smart, he wants others to fight his battles. Tell him that the Essanti will march with him on the Enqins. We'll take the spoils, and will let your King's generosity determine what else we get." He laughed unexpectedly and put a hand against Alva's cheek. "I doubt he'd be generous enough to hand you over to me. I might agree to serve him forever, if I could have you."
Ahayrre lowered his eyes and remained silent, not knowing how to react. "Tell me, do you have a lover?" asked the Essanti, with guileless curiosity.
Alva sighed, and answered honestly, "No. Not for a long time."
"Have you had lots of lovers?"
The young courtier did not know whether to laugh or take offence at the questioning. "I never bothered to count. Lots, probably," Alva smiled and shrugged.
"Was I better than them, or worse?" Kintaro's worrying was almost childish.
Alva laughed out loud and said, "You are the stud to end all studs, Essanti chief. Never met anyone like you."
"Did you like it, last night?"
"Yes," (Alva was utterly sincere.)
"Do you want me? Want me to take you and have my way with you again?" Kintaro's gaze became heavy, weighed with the primitive and undisguised desire, and Alva felt naked.
To Alva, the Essanti chief embodied the abandoned sexuality, heady and overpowering, and a strange magnetism Alva was powerless to resist. He was warm and close, unlike the aloof Ancient who would not even say his name. Kintaro openly lusted after his guest, and Alva had to admit he was flattered. He thought the nomad awfully attractive, though not nearly as refined, of course, as the elf or even as some of the men judged handsome by the Trianess court. But he possessed the wild beauty of a beast, and the force of his desire was blinding and maddening.