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The great market-place in Isfahan was reminiscent of Selkhir – it was just as noisy, bright and babbling. Alva was in his element here: his eyes gleamed, his hands, of their own volition, reached for the embroidered veils, fans and silver jewelry Arislan was particularly famed for. Oh, that was the civilization he had dreamt of in the Essanti tents, all right.

Ithildin was doubly pleased at the sight of Alva's pleasure and of Kintaro's discomfiture. The barbarian clearly resented being dragged through tea-shops, stores, and two-bit playhouses. Although, the arms-seller's improved his mood somewhat, with its extensive arsenal of murder weapons and its young owner's charming smile. The smile that could slash straight at the heart as readily as any of the swords he sold. The pretty blond youth volubly explained that he came from Marrangha, washed up at Isfahan for the past three years, and really missed the ways of his homeland. His flirting with Kintaro was so brazen, it left no doubt as to what ways of his homeland he missed. Kintaro narrowed his eyes at the youth like a panther stalking its prey.

"I have some most amazing items, that would, no doubt, be to your liking, if you cared to follow me," trilled the youth.

Alva, who, until now, watched, highly amused, instantly frowned.

"And you, dear ladies, would do well to take a look at my friend's wares, the next shop over. He is the best jeweler in all of Isfahan. The time you spend there will seem but a moment to you."

Kintaro responded to Alva's glare with a wicked grin and followed the youth past the heavy brocade of the curtain.

"Whore," spat out the infuriated Chevalier, but who he was referring to remained unclear.

Ithildin shrugged, as in "What else did you expect, dealing with a barbarian?" He was beginning to doubt that traveling with Kintaro had been such a good idea. The barbarian might be good in a fight, and ready to lie down and die for Lielle (Ithildin was especially certain about the 'lie down' part), but what good was he if he was so willing to follow every pretty face that smiled at him? The elf was starting to form a vague hope that Kintaro, once he had played at being lovers long enough, would just up and leave them one day. That would be wonderful. Lielle won't mope for long, especially if Kintaro continues to neglect him so blatantly.

But now the young Chevalier was positively livid. He picked up his sumptuous skirts and bolted out of the shop practically hissing, he was so angry. One look at him, and it was clear that in the next few days, Kintaro would not be getting any – not even words, let alone sex.

"We should not go back to the inn now, on our own." Ithildin whispered. "We don't even have swords."

A sword-carrying woman in a dress would have looked strange not only in Arislan, but even in Creede. Alva and Ithildin had nothing but small daggers fastened to the hip beneath their skirts. It was Kintaro who was supposed to be the walking armory.

Suddenly, the jeweler from the next shop was before them, praising his wares on a dreadful mix of Faris and the Common. Alva, busy sulking, gave him a cold shoulder, but warmed up when the jeweler brought out a silver trinket just for him. And when the jeweler poured cold fruity sharbat for them, the Chevalier relented and stepped into the shop.

The place made Ithildin uneasy. First, two other men, armed and strong, were hanging about the store. Possibly, they were guards, and that made sense in a jewelry shop, but it was hardly common to stare at women in this frank way in Arislan. Their stares made the elf uncomfortable. Alva, on the other hand, was at ease now – giggling, sipping sharbat, looking at the gems and chatting to the owner, asking the names of things in Faris non-stop.

Ithildin's discomfiture would not go away. He even moved the dagger a little lower on its strap, so he could grab at it if needed. He turned out to be right.

Alva's smile suddenly became tense, and he said, "Thank you for you hospitality, my dear man. It is time for us to leave, however. I had just remembered we still had one more pressing engagement, right, darling?" He turned to Ithildin. Alva's expression was so eloquent, that the elf instantly estimated the distance to the door.

The owner barred their way, prattling on and making signs to the guards. The two men started to come closer, and Ithildin realized it was time to act.

He raised a dagger to the jeweler's throat. "Out of my way!"

At moments like these, Ithildin willingly recalled the hatred his race bore mortals. The hatred that was passed on through generations even to those who had never met any men. He would have cut this scoundrel's throat without thinking. But they were foreigners here, after all, and attracting the attention of the authorities might not have been the wisest thing to do. Enough to knock these thugs out and leave. By now, Ithildin had no doubt who the two men were.

"Seize them!" shouted the jeweler, as if confirming Ithildin's conclusions.

The elf kicked at the fat jeweler and brought him to the ground (Alva's guard friends had taught Ithildin a few things), while Alva threw a table at the feet of the oncoming thugs. But then, another thug loomed in the doorway.

Ithildin calculated. There was no sense in calling for Kintaro, he would not hear them. So they would have to handle it on their own, especially since it was apparent they were to be taken alive. He suppressed a grin. The bandits could not have known much about the Creedan ladies, if they thought to take them without any ado.

But the very next moment, everything changed. Alva staggered, leaned against the wall and the thugs grasped him immediately by the arms. Great Gods, how could he have failed to see! There had been something in that drink. Since Ithildin had never drunk sharbat before, he could not tell by the taste. Lucky that human concoctions did not affect him!

The thug at the door grinned and drew his sword. Ithildin was constrained by his long loose garments. That's why it took him all of three seconds, instead of the normal one, to disarm the bandit, knock him out, and toss the body out of the way. Simultaneously, the two other guys crumbled to the floor, and Kintaro was picking up Alva in his arms.

"Go by the back door," he barked, "that way's clear."

Ithildin dressed as a widow in mourning, fanart by Reru

Ithildin dressed as a widow in mourning, fanart by Reru

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