[FINISHED]One of the best known original m/m romances in Russia, loved by many. It won the Russian Wattys 2015 Award, now it's available in English too.
Alva Ahayrre is a Creedan nobleman and a courtier, a beautiful and frivolous redhead...
Preoccupied, he meandered into the garden, driven by a desire to leave people, noise and lights behind. His attention was caught by the noise coming from the pavilion overhung with grapevines. The rustling of clothes and the sound of kisses betrayed a lovers' meeting. He could make out the voices: of course it had to be Rennarte and his blue-eyed barbarian prattling about sweeties, hotties, claspies and why don't you stop being such a cold fish ... don't be such a cold fish, elf. That's what he said.
Alva felt sick and broke out in cold sweat. This can't be. It just can't.
"Hurry, I do not have much time." Ithildin's voice.
A piece of puzzle clicked into place inside Alva's head. He suddenly put together all the things he did not bother with before: the come-hither stares of the Enqin prince, the suggestive winks of the Chancellor, the way Ithildin blushed whenever he ran into the happy couple, and that time, when he came across them in a deserted gallery: the elf looked embarrassed, and the Enqin and Rennarte seemed miffed...
Alva hurt so much he nearly whimpered. So the elves don't lie, right? Did Ithildin ever pull the wool over his eyes! A jealous scene, a quarrel, and then off he saunters into the garden for a quickie and then to make it home before Alva's return. His gentle elf – and the randy Enqin whelp! And boy, was Ithildin's "Euh, I just can't stand him" act believable!
Alva was drawn to the pavilion in spite of himself. He had to see it ... Beyond a shadow of a doubt ...
"Want me, elf?" came a voice thick with a throaty barbarian accent. "Say you want me. Spread your legs, go on. Show some spunk, don't just lie there."
Alva Ahayrre froze. How dare the Enqin address Alva's lover in this fashion? Then came Ithildin's quiet cry. It did not sound at all like his voluptuous moans. He did not seem a willing participant. God in heaven, if they had only dared ... if they had harmed him in any way ...
And then Reza Rennarte's voice:
"Faé, don't rough him up. He still has to go back home."
Without pausing to think, Chevalier Ahayrre burst into the pavilion.
They were so occupied, they did not even notice him. He took in the whole scene: the elf's nude body upon a bench, the Enqin, also naked, sitting between the elf's spread-out legs, and Rennarte, fully dressed, holding Ithildin by the arms and kissing his neck.
"What's going on here?" Alva shouted.
Ithildin gasped and covered his face with his hands. Fairiz kept pawing the elf's hips and stared Alva down.
Rennarte spoke coldly, "Chevalier Ahayrre, your presence is unwelcome here. Be so kind as to leave."
"Like hell I will!" Alva was fairly wheezing with fury. "Ithildin, get dressed, we are going."
"He wants to stay here, don't you, darling?" Rennarte ran his hand over Ithildin's chest, and Alva saw how the elf flinched.
"Let him say it."
Ithildin did not speak, and kept his hands over his face.
"Stop making a spectacle of yourself, Ahayrre. Get out, or you'll be dragged out."
"Let's see you do it!" and Alva pulled out his sword.
The Enqin grabbed his sheathed scimitar off the floor and leapt to his feet.
"Reza, let me teach him," he scowled.
"First, pull up your pants, whelp!" Alva snarled.
Fairiz gritted his teeth and dropped the scabbard. Ithildin cried out and grasped his hand.
"No, you swore not to harm him! Alva, please leave!" he pleaded.
"I am not going anywhere without you."
Rennarte smiled coldly and narrowed his eyes in calculation. "I believe it is best to let him go, under the circumstances."
Ithildin got dressed, hands shaking. Fairiz moved to do something, but the Chancellor put a calming hand on his shoulder and whispered into his ear. Alva, still seething, took Ithildin by the hand and left the pavilion.
Rennarte was leaning the archway. He spoke, sneeringly, after Alva, "Do not take it to heart, my dear Ahayrre. Everything must happen for the first time, even a lover's infidelity."
Then he turned to Ithildin. "Hope we are less pressed next time, darling!"
That was when Alva went and socked him one. The Chancellor crashed down to the floor. The Enqin was upon Alva in an instant, sword drawn, and their blades met with a clang.
The guards, drawn by Rennarte's scream, came just in time to see Chevalier Ahayrre's bloodied sword protrude from Prince Fairiz's back. The prince staggered and slid down. He was dead.
The guards had no choice but to arrest Chevalier Ahayrre and take him to prison where blood loss from two wounds inflicted by the prince made him faint. The physician bandaged Alva and assured that he was safe, but suggested it was best not to disturb Alva until the morning.
No fanart with Fairiz or Rennarte, sadly. I'll publish my best cast for Alva XD It's the young Travis Fimmel - yeah, now he is known as Ragnar Lothbrok from the Vikings series XDD
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