Chapter 8, the news

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AN: Heyy again! Thanks to the people who voted! To the others, nice to have you back! Please vote! It makes me really happy if I see someone voted or if I gained readers. Hope you like the story! -xx- 


*4 weeks later*

Liza's POV

When I wake up I feel sick. When I sit straight up I gasp. I god.. I have to throw up. I run to the bathroom, fall down on my knees and throw up in the toilet. David comes in and holds my hair. "Babe are you ok?" He asks. "Ugh yea I'm fine I think." Just when I finish my sentence I throw up again. "You're not ok." David says. "Are you just sick or do we have to go to the hospital?" "No, I think my stomach is just acting weird." I respond. "Ok come on, I'll lay you in bed." He helps me standing up and walks me to the bed. I lay down. "Can I get you something?" He says. "Ehm, maybe a bucket, if I have to throw up again..." "Yes ok, I'll get it for you." He later comes back in with a bucket and puts it on my nightstand. "Anything else?" He asks. "No thank you babe." I say. David went to the living room and turned the tv on. I grab my phone and open snapchat. I do a filter and put the text 'ugh, hate being sick.' on it. I put it in my story. 

*2 days later* 

We're on our way to the hospital. I've thrown up a lot these days, but only in the morning. The rest of the day I feel fine. David doesn't trust it. He's so sweet, he really cares how I feel.              We arrive at the hospital. "How are you feeling?" David asks as we walk to the intrance. "Still a little sick but already better than this morning." I say. 

Women at the reception(W): Hello! What can I do for you guys?                                                                     L: Hallo. I've feeling sick last days, but only in the moring and we have no clue of what's wrong.   

W: Ok, what's your name dear?                                                                                                                                      

L: Elizabeth Koshy. Ohw and my boyfriend's with me his name's David Dobrik.                                     

 W: Ok. Wait in the waitingroom please, a doctor will see you.                                                                         

L: Ok thank you.

We both sit down in the waitingroom. "Are you nervous about this?" David asks. "No not really, I mean why would I? It's just sickness, how worse can it be?" "Ok babe, if you're not I'm not either." He gives me a quick kiss. Then a doctor comes in. "Elizabeth Koshy and David Dobrik?" He says. "Yes, that's us." I say. "Ok, come with me." We walk behind him untill we arrive at a  room with a desk with a computer on it, a few chairs around it and a table for examinations. "Sit down please." The doctor says. "What can I do for you?" I explain the story again and the doctor listens. "Hmm ok. Let me just ask you some questions." "Ok." I say.                                            

Doctor(Do): Have you ate something you normally don't eat?                                                                         L: No, I haven't.                                                                                                                                                                     

Do: Ok. Are you sexually active?                                                                                                                                    I blush, I look at David and see he's blushing to, then I nodd yes.                                                                   

Do: Ever had any STD's? And you to David? As I assume he's the one you had sex with.                       

L: No, I never had an STD.                                                                                                                                               

D: Me neither.                                                                                                                                                                         

Do: Ok, I'm going to examine you. You can lay down at the table.

I lay down. The doctor says. "I'm going to make an ultrasound of your stomach and see if anything is wrong." I nod. David stands next to me holding my hand. The doctor pulls up my shirt. "I'm going to put this cream on you, it may feel cold but it doesn't hurt." He puts the cream on my belly and rubs softly an ultrasound machine on it. When he looks at the screen for a while he says. "Hmm, just what I thought. Concratulations! You're pregnant."

liza koshy&david dobrik. ~COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now