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Hey everyone this is a story inspired by The Good Girl's Bad Boys by RubixCube89201. So if you haven't read it please go check it out,its really awesome.RubixCube89201 is amazingly talented and I want to thank you for creating TGGBB which made me laugh,cry,think hard and most importantly inspired me.I hope you like this story which is about how bullying is not okay and how friendship,love and courage helps to overcome different obstacles in life.

If you like the story please feel free to comment below and share your ideas.Have you been bullied?By whom?How did you overcome it?Lets share our ideas and experiences that made us stronger and braver.

Lastly this story is dedicated to all the bullied and bullies out there. To my nerds,the weirdos,the geeks,the misfits,the not so social ones you are all beautiful and I love you .*Big Family Hug*.Don't listen if someone says you are not good enough.Stay brave,stay strong and stay you.And to the bullies,karma will serve you what you deserve.Stop insulting people just because you are insecure of something that you are lacking.Who are you to judge people without knowing them? Pulling them down will never help you reach the top.

Stop and stand up against bullying. It's not okay and it will never be cool.

Happy Reading !!!!

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