Chapter 4 - Your Ex is Hiding In The Closet

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Jordan, Bennett, Declan and Naomi made their way to a grand house from where loud music and bright light was blaring out of it.There were empty bottles, clothes and broken furniture on the lawn. Naomi noticed there was a bra and underwear on the mailbox. She shook her head and turned her attention towards the house where some were doing drugs, some couples were making out and a few drunk guys who were whistling at her. Bennett immediately glared at them and their whistles and stares died. Naomi smiled gratefully at Bennett and Bennett squeezed her hand. They climbed the entrance and was about to walk in when someone stopped them from walking in. He looked strong and big unlike any of the bouncers they had seen before and acted professional giving them a glare. He took out the clipboard and looked at us with pity. Naomi could already tell that the boys didn't like him.

"Are you on the list? Names?" he asked bored.

"Declan Lynch, Jordan Wallace, Bennett Frazier and Naomi Lorraine. You k – "started Bennett but was cut off rudely by the bouncer.

"Unfortunately you aren't on the list. So you can go back to where you came from."

"Isn't this an open party?" inquired Jordan

"Don't be stupid. It's only for e – "

"Hey you know who we are?" threatened Declan

The bouncer took a good look at them and chuckled. "The President's children? Sorry, you still ain't allowed inside this party."

Bennett, Jordan and Declan moved towards the bouncer to let them in by force but before they could do anything, they were interrupted by a stone cold voice.

"Not letting people in again, Xander?"

Bennett, Jordan, Declan and Naomi turned around to see Alessia, Sophia and Eleanor who was standing at the steps looking amused and bored. Their eyes widened and jaws dropped looking at Alessia, Sophia and Eleanor who was dressed beautifully. Jordan's, Declan's, and Bennett's eyes shamefully explored Eleanor's, Sophia's and Alessia's bodies in their outfits.

"Hello? Earth to the Four Musketeers" yelled Eleanor snapping her fingers at them.

They recovered and looked sheepish and started laughing.

They recovered and looked sheepish and started laughing

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"Sorry. It's that you look amazing." said Declan truthfully

"You look gorgeous too girl." returned Eleanor to Declan making everyone laugh.

Sophia turned towards the bouncer. He seemed to know her because he took a step back. The Four Musketeers snickered and Eleanor and Alessia smirked.

Sophia smiled sweetly. "I hope you remember me Xander."

"Of course Miss.I don't think I forgot."

"And you remember my friends?"

"Y – y – yes .I remember."

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