Chapter 3 - You Want Me To Be Honest?

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Eleanor was in looking at the clock waiting for the class to finish. She was doodling skulls and flowers when she heard her name being called.

"Miss Fernandez!!!"

"That's me"she replied cheekily

"I noticed that you weren't paying attention. –"started Professor Goodfellow.

Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Whatever"

"Don't use that tone with me Miss Fernandez. Now tell me, what's the difference between primary legislation and secondary legislation?"

"Primary legislation is the general term embracing main laws passed by the legislative bodies such as Acts of Parliament or statutes. In contrast with primary legislation, secondary legislation is subordinate law made by the executive branch within the boundaries laid down by the legislature nevertheless with the same legal force." Recited Eleanor in an almost bored 'know it all' voice

Professor Goodfellow was impressed but he did not show it.He quizzed her on another topic.

"Define the Austin's command theory for me Miss Fernandez?"

"Austin's concept of law denotes that law is a command, given by a determinate common superior to whom the bulk of a society is in the habit of obedience and who is not in the habit of obedience to a determinate human superior, enforced by a sanction. The element of command is crucial to Austin's concept of law, therefore, is sometimes described as the 'command theory' or the 'imperative theory' of law." Replied Eleanor effortlessly.

"Then what is – "

"Hart's criticization of Austin's command theory? Haven't you got tougher questions for me?"

If Professor Goodfellow was impressed before, he was shocked now. "How – "

"Hart criticizes Austin's command theory by saying that Austin failed to understand the complexity of legality because the Austinian image of law is an image of one person or group imposing their will on another through commands and sanctions." answered Eleanor easily.

"Well I'm impressed Miss.Fernandez."he replied gobsmacked

"Thank you." smirked Eleanor.

The bell rang signaling the end of the class

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The bell rang signaling the end of the class. She arranged her books into her books into the backpack and looked at the class and gave them a wink.

"Well I'd love to stay but I've got to go."

"Not so fast Miss Fernandez. Class you can go, you're dismissed." Said Professor Goodfellow.

Eleanor started to protest but Professor Goodfellow raised his hand signaling her to stop whatever she was thinking of coming up with. Some of her classmates gave her weird looks and some of her classmates gave her "You deserve it" looks and to all of it Eleanor shot a death glare which made everyone afraid of her and run out of class quickly as possible.

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