Chapter Nine

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Breathing was becoming strenuous as I laid on my back, staring up at the starry sky through the treetops. Nothing here looked familiar, from the types of leaves to the constellations. Moonlight shone through trees branches giving an angelic-like glow to the entire pond area. The pond was small with crystal clear water, dark red lily pads floating around, and a weed similar to a cattail which was only a couple inches tall surrounded the water. There was a few rocks and trees which had roots going directly into the water, it was peaceful despite the fact that I was going to die.

I had accepted my fate. I was bleeding out as I laid with my head on a log and my back in the cushioned grass. Unless the portal somehow opened and I got to a hospital, this was where I was going to die. It wasn't all bad because for the first time in my life I felt at peace. I was no longer running from my past, searching for answers like I could find the reason why my family died over 200 years ago. I was tired. I was tired of always being scared, of looking over my shoulder, and of constantly running yet never getting anywhere.

Somehow it was all very poetic. I was a girl who had no home, no name, no life, dying in a world where no one would notice or miss that I was gone. I doubt anyone would find my body except for a wild animal, but I did my best not to think about my decaying body being ripped and eaten apart by the first thing that found it. The most poetic thing about my situation was that I was alone. I came into this world alone, I lived my life alone, and I would die alone. Helmingur was searching the area, trying to find a way to open the portal for me and Someone had left a while ago for a walk. I wasn't worried about them, I wasn't worried about anything; I was ready.

My hair was brushed back from my face by gentle fingers. A faint scent overpowered the natural forest smell; an ocean breeze. "Hey Tas," an old voice whispered.


"It's me, baby, what are you doing?" He voice whispered, his fingers gently working through my hair.

I felt my head being lifted up and gently placed back down in his lap. "I've missed you," I mumbled instead of answering his question. I opened my eyes and smiled at the blue eyed ginger looking down at me. I reached out to place a hand on his cheek, his skin felt cold. "I've missed you so much, why did you leave me? Why did you do it?"

Erik shook his head once before he turned it to place his lips against the palm of my hand. "It's okay Tas, we don't need to talk about it now. I just need you to hold on a bit longer, okay baby?"

I let my hand fall as I shook my head, "I don't want to." I breathed, letting go of the truth. I didn't want to keep fighting, to keep running, to keep living. "I'm tired and I can't do this anymore." I protested as tears started to build up in my eyes.

"I know you are, but it isn't time to quit yet. I need you to keep fighting."

"I killed you Erik, you're dead because of me... I don't want to go on anymore, I don't want to hurt anyone else." I pleaded with him, begging him to let me go. In my delirious state, I found nothing wrong with talking to a man who was long dead, a man who was calling me the wrong name. When I knew him I called myself Mackenzie, he'd always call me Kenzie saying my full name was too much of a mouthful for him.

There was a moment of silence and Erik's thumb came to my cheek as tears started to fall. "It wasn't your fault Tas. I shouldn't have been so rough, I scared you and you didn't have full control of your abilities yet. You didn't know what you were doing, you didn't know Someone would rip my throat out after you had paralyzed me." I flinched at his words, the images of the night came to my mind once again. "I don't blame you for what happened, you didn't know. Listen to me carefully, Tasnia." He said seriously and I opened my eyes again to look at him. "All of those people you killed, it was an accident. You can do so much more than make things cold. Until you came to Lyavil your other abilities weren't strong enough for you to control and it wasn't like you had anyone to explain this to you." His speech fell on deaf ears as I struggled to comprehend what he was saying. "Please Tas, stay awake, just for a bit longer, I'll stay with you if you'd like?"

I understood the last part well enough to nod. "I don't want you to go, not ever again," I begged softly, I did love him despite how screwed up our relationship was.

Erik smiled and continued to wipe my tears away, ones I barely noticed were falling. It was seeing him again which was emotionally overwhelming, even in the state I was in. "It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside. I'm not one of those who can easily hide," Erik started to sing gently. He was an awful singer, but it was our song. It was playing through the speakers of an old dinner when he and a few of his friends walked in. He saw me, walked right over and sat down, using a cheesy pickup line. He said, "you know, I wrote this song for you, paid them to play it just now." I laughed and he told me I had the most beautiful laugh, the most gorgeous smile; something along those lines. Back then I didn't smile much and he gave me a reason to. "Come on, I know you know the words. Sing for me Tas, you have the most beautiful voice."

He always told me I had the voice of a siren. As Erik started to sing the cover by Ellie Goulding once more, I joined him in song. My voice was soft, it took more energy than I had and it was painful, but it made him smile so it was worth it. I'd do anything to see him smile and for my last memory of him to be a smile instead of a look of fear.   

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There is the song if you want to give it a listen! 

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