The party

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"Alright everyone, time for the main event!" Said Lucio full of energy. Everyone cheered, and got in groups. You realized they where in the same groups they were in when everyone said hi to you. Seeing that you weren't in a group Lucio waved you over.
"Look I'm going to be the DJ so Hanzo, Genji, and Hana need a partner, you in?"
"Yeah sure, but what's going on?"
"Every year we have a little competition between each other everyone gets into a group and their group has to try to capture the flag. So far Lena's team has been the winners, but I have faith in you."
"So we just have to capture the flag then get it to a base of something?" You asked you've never been more confused before.
"Yeah, just get the flag and give it to me. The only catch is if you get hit by one of the dodge balls then your out, understand?"
"Yeah, so I go with Hanzo and then, but the teams are unbalanced, some have way more people?"
"Some like to stay out of it, so when everyone gets up to compete, well then it's pretty balanced."
"Alright I'll do my best."
"Good luck!"
You walked away from Lucio and towards  your group.
"So you will be replacing Lucio, Y/N." Hanzo said with a neutral tone.
"Yeah is there something wrong?" You felt your stomach tense up when you said that.
"No, it's just that we don't know what your made of, guess we will find out." Hanzo said going to the line that was set up for your group to begin at.
"Alright, on the count of three the dodge balls are released, then you go for the flag! Remember to get it to me!" Lucio said. "One... Two... THREE!"
With three Gabriel who wasn't participating through the dodge balls out on the field, and everyone was running to the flag. You saw Lena coming right at you, pick up a ball and through it. The ball was heading right at you, you ducked which made it go over you making it hit Hanzo.
"Damn!" He said while he went to the bench.
Hana got the flag and while she was running away Sombra got her in the back.
"Huh, gg..." Hana said defeated. It went on like that for a while until there were a few people left, you, Lena and Zenyatta. You were all at the flag when Zenyatta tried to grab it Lena quickly grabbed a ball and threw it at him as fast as possible, when he got hit Lena said " She shoots she scores!" Followed by a little giggle. It was just you two now, everyone was impressed that you lasted this long.
"Go on mate, grab the flag." Lena said, a dodge ball in her hand.
"Ladies first." You replied.
"Oh what a gentleman..."  After Lena said that she took the flag did a flip and landed by Lucio before you could throw your dodge ball.
"Looks like we have a winner! Congrats To Lena, but nice job Y/N for keeping up!"
Everyone dispersed due to the party being over, but Lena pulled you aside.
"Hey mate, nice job keeping up, you seem pretty cool so here." She gave you a piece of paper with her number and a location: Rooftop of the mall, 8:30 Monday.
"Cheers!" Then she ran off.
"Wonder why she wants me to go here?" You wondered on the way back home. Monday morning quickly arrived.

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