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Flashback - May 9, 1994

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Flashback - May 9, 1994

(Jo lies on the ground, a knife stuck in her abdomen. In the distance, screams and whimpering is heard while Kai calls out)

Kai: "Josette. Where are they?"

(Jo pulls the knife out, sobbing quietly)

Kai: "Oh, Jo. Come on out, Jo. I know you can hear me."

(Jo gets up, dripping blood on the floor; she walks to the next room and sees two young children hiding)

Kai: "Josette? Where are they, Jo?"

Jo: (whispering) "Hey. Everything's gonna be OK, all right? Everybody's just playing a game. You guys want to play a game? You want to play hide-and-seek? Shh. Ok."

(Kai follows Jo's trail of blood)

Kai: "Come on out, Jo. You know I won't kill you."

(Kai walks slowly into the bedroom where Jo and the children are hiding under the bed. He starts to walk away after a minute, but then comes back and starts to lift up the bed. The scene transitions into Kai opening the trunk of a car)

Portland, prison world 1994

Kai: "Wakey, wakey."

(Kai pulls Bonnie out of the trunk; her hands are bound with rope)

Bonnie: "How did I...."

Kai: "Get so lucky to arrive here on a private flight piloted by yours truly? Oh, you would have been super-impressed with my flying skills, but I'd already knocked you out with painkillers."

Bonnie: "Where are we?"

Kai: "Portland, Oregon, stomping grounds of Courtney Love, Tonya Harding and tons of other awesome people."

Bonnie: "You could have brought me anywhere in the world, and you took me to Portland?"

Kai: "This is where I grew up." (He cuts off the ropes slightly.

Bonnie: "Ow!"

Kai: "I've been counting eclipses since I was imprisoned on this empty planet, and according to my running tally, I've been here for 6,771 supernaturally repeating days, so in the real world, which we'll never get back to because you sent your magic away in a teddy bear, today's my favourite day of the year."

Bonnie: "And what day is that?"

Kai: "Thanksgiving. I'm cooking you dinner."


Kai: "Ah. Memories". (He walks onto the porch of a house)

Kai: "Pitter-patter of little sibling's feet, witchy woo chanting in the air, mum and dad calling me an abomination."

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