Chapter 2.

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Yeah, it was expensive, but after some 'Hey dad, you know that you're really sweet right? Hey look, there's this location for my birthday'-phone calls, we could finally hire it. Saturday 10th of April is gonna be the best night of Nicole's life, even better than she thought first. I mailed her mum for some nice (read: funny/embarrassing) pictures from when she was younger. Yeah, there's a big screen there, and we'll use it. And already got my first present! I bought 2 One Direction tickets, we couldn't get them first, because we weren't sure if we'd still live in England on the date, but I now bought them from a girl who isn't able to go. She's gonna be so happy with those, she's been looking for those tickets for ages, but she couldn't find them. Can't wait to see the look on her face when I give them! 

'SUUUUS I don't want to make homework' Nicole whined. We lay on the couch, being lazy like only we can. 'I want food, and holiday, and a date with Niall. Oh wait, I wanna eat food on a date with Niall in the holiday. YES that's what I want. But seen as the world hate me, they don't even give me tickets to see my boyfriend in a freaking concert.' See, she really wants those tickets. I'm gonna make her so happy!

'Yeah, they really hate us. Everyone hates us, even the fridge, it never gives us food when we want it. And a fridge don't even have emotions. But we're gonna date Niall & Liam, we just need to be patient.... I guess.'

'Ohno girl, you don't guess that, I'm absolutely sure, they just don't know yet. Just a matter of time!"

Yep, we're one of those girls who are absolutely sure that they're gonna marry their celebcrush. But we are sure, there's no doubt, we're made for eachother. And we also planned our marriage. We're gonna marry in city London, and we'll go to Hawaii for honeymoon. We dreamed about that since we were younger, being on Hawaii with boys, on a remote beach. They without shirts (ofcourse). Yep, that'd be perfect.

'Yo lazy, you make maths, I'll make English, and then we're going to Milkshake city! I want an 1D shake now! Get your arse of that couch, we're gonna be usefull for a few minutes!' Nicole grabbed some books and threw them at me, with some paper and a pen. I slowly moved my hand and opened the book. I stared at all the figures and sighed, This is gonna be a long, I don't know how much time it'll take, probably much.

1,5 hour, a lot of 'I don't get it', sighing and complaining later, we walked through London ciity. It was pretty warm for this time of the year. Milkshake city was only 5 minutes away from our apartment, so we came there pretty often. We walked through the door, and went to our table, where we always sat. That table was just cool. '2 One Direction milkshakes, please', Nicole ordered. 'You two aren't very original, girls. This is already the third time you got those this week, and it isn't even weekend yet!' the boy laughed. We still wonder why he always asks what we want..

'So, already know who you're going to invite?' I asked, while I sipped my milkshake. God, this was delicious, holy, perfect.

'As much people as possible, at least 150. Not that I know 150 people, so I'm gonna talk to a lot of random people this week, if they're okay, I'll invite them.' 'You aren't very critical' 'You need much people to have a good party, more people means more fun. By the way, I think the iinvitations will arive tonight! I ordered 200, I hope it's enough!'. Crazy girl.

-Next day-

Remember when Nicole said that she was going to talk to random people? Well, she wasn't lying. She was half jumping around in the breaks, talking to really random, but nice-looking people, having the 'Hey how are you?' 'I'm fine u?' 'Yes me too' conversations and then give them an invitation. Only Nicole could do that, crazy girl. After the lunch break she walked to me, panting: 'There are  gonna be a lot of new people, it's gonna be amazayn!' I laughed and nodded. We walked into the maths classroom, still talking about the party. I sat down next to Macy, she was very smart, so a good girl to sit next to in maths class. I always gave her a cookie for every answer she gives on the tests. 'Sit down, books open and silence' the teacher said/half screamed. He was horrible. No one liked him. I sighed and opened my book. This was going to be a long hour..


Hi guys!

I hope you like this chap, sorry if it's a bit boring, it'll be nicer soon!

Please comment / tweet me! (@Lirry1D) :)


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