Permutatio (To Be Self-Publish)

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Among with other one shot stories of Filipino wattpad authors, Permutatio will be self published under the project of Stories-Mostly Wattpad page. For more details, please visit Stories-Mostly Wattpad Facebook Page. For orders, please fill up the form on the external link. Help us support this project. Thank you and God bless.

Permutatio is under Volume 2 of Back To Where We Started Book, a compilation of One-Shot Stories published by Angelic Books. 





There is no constancy in the world. Everything changes, so do I. 


Life for me isn't good. I was a product of a broken family. Dad left us when I was still a toddler. I don't even remember him. Mom is an alcoholic and she sells drugs in order for us to live. I have known one stepfather every year. Mom used to bring home her partner and live in our house. Most of them are like her, alcoholic and drug addict. They abused me, molested me... I've been living in hell with them , I suffered a lot, I am full of pain and as I grew up, I became a rebel. I smoke pots, take drugs, I drink, go gambling, joined street fights, steal to sustain my needs and I even bed one of my mom's partner, why? because he's hot. I've learned a lot of bad things, of evil doings. I turned up my hurt into anger. I've became anti-social and an anti-Christ, I don't go to church, I hate listening to preachers and I threw bibles. I blamed God for my life, for all my damn shits experience. I was too young for having a heavy life. This is not what I wanted, but He gave this to me! Is that how His love defines? Making me suffer? Damn it!

I continued living like this, embracing and enjoying evil doings.

Until that one incident that changes me, changes my belief and makes me return to His kingdom again.

I was with my gang and we're in the middle of having our 'good time' - booze party, smoking weeds and of course, taking drugs when some police made a foray in our lair. Some we're caught, most managed to escape. Some had a fight with the cops which triggers the latter to use their guns. Accidentally, I got hit by a bullet at my upper abdominal. I was tremendously bleeding and catching my breath. I fell down on the cold floor with no one to rescue me. I was left alone, been isolated for some minutes. My lips quiver and my vision became blur, I was dying.

But as soon as my eyelids folds I felt like I was lifted from the ground.

The next day, as I woke up, I find myself enclosed in a four sided white wall. I saw an old man with gray beard standing in front of me. At first, I thought I was already dead and that my soul is already in heaven and that old man is Saint Peter but then I realized how can a bad shit like me can come in heaven? My soul must be at the purgatory. I slightly smirk at that thought.

For a confirmation of being still alive, I pinched my skin and as the pain receptors transmitted to my brain, I knew I was still in earth and my lungs is still expanding keeping my breaths.

I winced at the old man who was now smiling at me. I asked him who he was. He came near me and seated at the other end of my bed, "How are you feeling now, young lady?" he asked instead of answering my question.

"Are you deaf or what? Why aren't you answering what I questioned you?" I said, half irritated.

I didn't see any changes in the old man's facial expression, he remained his smile at me, "It feels great waking up in a good ventilation and in a calm place. Praise be to God for giving you another life"

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