Dead Star

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 Liriko 2 entry for battle rounds.

Dead Star

Thirteen billion years ago, there was no space and there was no time. The genesis of the universe began with a massive explosion with a phantom cause. From nothingness, the universe emerged, filled with space and marked by time.  Due to the accumulation of dense and high temperature of gas, it expanded rapidly. After hundred thousands of years, it cooled down allowing the formation of hydrogen, as well as radiation and dust. A small part of this hydrogen gas had undergone an inwardly fall and most of the collapsed mass was accumulated on the center of the universe, forming the first star-the sun. Some mass flattened into disk, forming the planets and its moon.

            As gravity pulled the massive clouds of dust and gas in the outer space together, its temperature rose up allowing the hydrogen nuclei to fuse and create helium. A star was formed from its amalgamation. And as the process goes on, it releases energy to make the star hot and develop its luminosity.

            But not all stars are luminous. There’s a star that doesn’t scintillate and that was me before. I was once called a dead star.

            In between Andromeda and Milky Way galaxy was where I originated. Situated at the middle of these two gigantic glowing galaxies lies nothing but clump of dust and traces of lithium. Hydrogen is not present in this murky space that is called Maylancholia. It took over millions of years for Maylancholia to collect little amount of hydrogen from the nearby constellations of Andromeda. When enough hydrogen was collected, it coalesced with the massive dust in the space. And by that, I was formed and that marked the beginning of my existence in the universe.

            Upon my birth, energy must release in my core but that did not happened. I did not shine like the other stars in the universe. I was incapable of releasing energy, disallowing my temperature to shoot up and thus, instead of being hot, I am cold as ice.

I am different and I feel envious with the variable stars and the main stars which gleam all throughout the cosmos. Even white dwarfs seemed to be better than me for they shine in the space even they’re not star but remnants of stellar explosion.

Due to my inability to emit light in my body, I can’t join the other stars to form a constellation. I was labeled as a stellar pariah and I was left all alone in Maylancholia.

Twelve million years had passed when out of nowhere a stellar orbit came in view at Maylancholia. Its gravity pulled me towards it and that makes me move from my place for the very first time. It gave me the ability to move and by that, I decided to travel and rotate on this stellar orbit.

After twelve million years of being alone and immobile in a murky space, I began to take my own expedition throughout the universe. I move around Andromeda since it’s nearer than Milky Way. It was an arduous stellar journey for I collided with comets, white dwarfs, red giants and other stars. I got burnp by their rough surface and got burnt by their hotness. I traveled on a black hole’s borderline and I was hauled by its strong gravitational pull. Fortunately, I escaped the huge vacuum and continued rotating and travelling on my stellar orbit.

Through the strength I gained in surpassing the black hole and the burned and scars I acquired from stellar collisions, I accumulated enough energy in my core that ignited nuclear fusion. My inner temperature shoots up and from the icy feeling I used to have for my entire existence, warmth started to embrace me making me fully alive after thousands of millennium. Heat energy traveled through my body in an outward motion and as it reaches my outer layer, I began to produce light on my own.

As I continued travelling in my orbit, as I continued colliding with other stellar bodies, I gathered some of their hydrogen. This gas exerted force in my surface, heating it up until it will burn and converts into a heavier element. This elements liberates vast amount of energy in my core and it produces an extremely outburst of light within my surface. By that process, is the genesis of a Nova.

I was reborn, not as a dead star but as one of the brightest star in the entire universe. I am now a Nova. And together with the other brightest star – Vega and Altair, we formed the constellation of Delphinus. I am now one of those brightest stars that humans gaze and adore at the dark sky. And that, for me, is euphoria.

One day, I know I will be a Supernova and will explode. But that doesn’t scare me. I am more scared being a dead star throughout my stellar life. Becoming a supernova means I had acquire the ultimate stellar progression and that makes my life worthy. If I am a human, I’m a warrior. I had faced a lot of battle and I am not afraid to face another one. I am not afraid to face death for I’ve been already dead in the beginning of my life and was just reborn. I am not afraid to explode someday for I knew that the shock wave from my explosion triggers the formation of new stars. Or if not, I will be joining Earth and live as an atom of a human’s body. Once I no longer live, a new warrior is going to be born .

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