The Morticia's Daughter

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Author's Note: This is my first story written in English and i wrote this two years ago. I know there's a massive grammatical and typographical errors, sorry for that. 

Morticia's Daughter 


It's a euphoric feeling, it makes you float in the sky, it makes you smile al thel time.

It tamed your fierceness, it turns the bad into good.

it makes you corny.


But when LOVE lost, it tears you down into pieces.

It'll hurts you like hell .

Sleepless nights, tears kept fallen in your eyes.


the melancholy kills you slowly........

I've been there, feeling the BEST and the WORST...

And that experience brought me here...

Enclosed in a four sided wall with no one around

I'm sick of this kind of situation

I want to escape

and I wanna be with Morticia's Daughter once again

Though it's wrong

Though our LOVE was FORBIDDEN

Though our LOVE breaks even the law of GOD

I LOVE HER and that's all that matters to me

I am STEFANO ENRIQUEZ and this is how I loss my SANITY.


My name is STEFANO ENRIQUEZ, Spanish/Filipino by blood, Canadian by nationality. I live at Ontario Canada since I was six months old. I was raised by my Grandparents on my mother side. I don't have parents, they both died in a car accident when I was four months old. I just met their tomb when I was already five years old when I took my summer vacation at California, my former place. There's nothing interesting in who I am and this isn't the story of my Life but it is a story of my Love...the story about my el amor de mi vida (love of my life)... Morticia's daughter.

Her name is Danielle Catherine Lee and I've known her for my entire existence. I used to call her Danni, I found it cute though it makes other thinks she's a guy but definitely she's not. She is a Korean but lives here in Ontario since we're still young. We were neighbors but our families don't talk with each other, weird right? But hell do we care, the important is we're good together despite the relationship of our families.

The real story behind the dislikes of our families with each other is still a phantom to me. But I have my own theory regarding the animosity of both parties.

And that is because of Morticia - Danni's mother.

Morticia's saga is an open book. I guess the whole villagers here know about it. No one missed her story, from her chastity and being saint to her scandal. I heard a lot of rumors about it but I don't tell it to Danni. Though I knew that she also knows all of these, still, I don't want to discriminate Morticia and I don't wanna hurt Danni's feeling. Morticia is still Danni's mom though the people tagged her as having a bad reputation in the society.

Honestly, I've never met Morticia, I just known her because of the story I heard. Danni doesn't talk about her mother too.

But I've seen a picture of her one day when I went to Lee's house and visited Danni when she was sick. There were no framed photos of her posted on the walls or even placed on the tables in the living room. Even on their photo albums, Morticia's images weren't included. I just accidentally saw a photo of her enclose in a page of an old book I saw at the trash can. I was about to go upstairs to Danni's room when I eyed the old book on the top of the trash beam and to my curiosity regarding the vintage cover, I picked it up and a black and white photo fell from one of the pages of the book. I picked the photo too; it was an image of a young lady wearing an innocent smile. She was at her late teens as I reckoned. Wearing a long sleeve/ below the knee cocktail dress and holding a bouquet of rose, I guess the photo was taken during her debut celebration. I looked at the back of the photo and there was Morticia's name written on it with the year the photo was taken.

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