Chapter 1: The Chosen

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These first couple of chapters are going to take place during the Team Flare Arc. But it won't take the exact route XYZ did. This story will also switch to different points of view, just a warning. Authors Note: Italics = Someone's thoughts. And [ ] = Pokémon talking. Also, Underlined Italics= Dream Sequence since there might be a couple of them XD.

This is my first chapter of my first story ever so idk how it will go. I'll probably come back and change lots of things too. Anyways enjoy what I have! :)

Ash's POV:

Darkness was the first thing I saw. It was just in a deep, dark void I was trapped in. I tried to move but I somehow couldn't. It was like I was chained to some sort of invisible wall. There was no one around but I wanted to be sure. "Hello", I called out but no one answered. Then I felt myself being raised up and after a while, I saw a bright light. The light began getting brighter and brighter until I couldn't see and that's when I woke up.

When I awoke, I was in a daze and everything was really blurry. When I was able to make it out, I realized that I was on top of Prism Tower. What happened and how did I get here? I was trying to remember exactly what had happened. Okay, so the Kalos league ended, then the giant roots of Zygarde appeared out of no where. Team Flare was behind it and then....

That was when a certain name crossed my mind, the name of a person who I thought I could trust. A person I called a friend only to stab me in the back. I looked out over the edge and saw Lumiose City was devastated. Buildings destroyed, wrecked vehicles and I don't even want to imagine the casualties.

I tried to move around but I realized I was being held in the air by metal spheres. I looked around me and realized that all my Pokémon, except Greninja whom was below me, were missing. "Hello Ash, it's great to see you on such an occasion", a voice said. I looked down and saw the voice belonged to a tall, orange-haired man with a black and red suit on. I recognized it was Lysandre but something was different about him. He had some kind of black and orange visor on his head, a weird gadget on his wrist and three mechanical insect-like robots with metal wings.

"Lysandre? What's going on? Where are my other Pokémon?" "Don't worry about them, they're safe in the storage facility", he said. "As for 'what's happening', me along with Team Flare are going to create a new and better world. And you, Ash, are going to witness it as one of the Chosen people", he smirked. "Wait, where's Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and the rest of my friends?", I asked him. If he touched any one of them I swear to Arceus he's going to regret it.

"Your friends are safe, for now atleast. That traitor Alain ran to try and warn your friends of my plan but he won't get far. Soon he along with your friends will be joining you!" he laughed. Then he turned to me with a really menacing look. It really creeped me out but I didn't let him know that.

"Why do you want me and Greninja so bad?" I asked him. He then laughed heartily but I could also sense hint of sarcasm. "Don't think you don't already know," he smiled. "It's that Ash-Greninja form that you can do. That kind of thing doesn't exactly happen often. You unlocking something like that must mean you are one of The Chosen. The ones that will remake this world from the greed that infects it. So, you are going to help me achieve my goal of wiping this world clean and remaking it into a more ideal world.

"I'll never help you and there's no way you're gonna make me either!" I retorted. But I then regretted saying that the next second.

"Well your compliance isn't really a factor in this argument. We have the Mega Evolution we used to control both Zygarde and you can thank your 'friend' Alain for that. If we can control both Zygarde with that then there isn't much hope for you either," he said.

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