Chapter 10: A Mega Surprise

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Hello everyone and welcome to Chapter 10! Sorry this took longer than usual but I've been busy with life. But anyways guys, here's your long awaited, Chapter 10! Enjoy! ;)

???'s POV:
After running for quite a bit through the forest, I was almost out of breath. I decided to take a rest and I stopped running. I sat down by a tree with my trusty partner who was also tired out.

"Alright...I think...we lost them," I said gasping for breath. "How are you doing buddy?" I asked my partner. [I've been better, but I'm still good], my orange partner said. I was able to understand him because I had a Poke-Translator on my wrist. They were a new thing that was made in Alola about two years ago that allow us to understand Pokémon. They were made by a guy named Sophocles and they weren't exactly cheap but they were super efficient.

After I had caught all my breath, I realized I needed to report in. The boss is not going to be happy about this, I thought. My partner nodded back to me, signaling that he thought the same thing.

I pulled a portable hologram projector out of my pocket and pressed the button to call the boss. Once he answered it, a picture of a tall man with leather clothes, a gold chain and white hair appeared on the screen. And his face looked really serious and worried.

"Agent Liam, you've finally called," he addressed me formally. Me and Gladion hadn't reported in for about two days. We wanted to make sure we lost those guys. It didn't go the way we expected however. "I want a full report. Were you successful?" he asked. "No sir, we both were ambushed and I sadly lost Gladion. He was captured," I said reluctantly.

He leaned back in his chair and let out a huge, disappointed sigh. I didn't blame him, I was mad at myself too. I had a feeling this would happen but I wished it hadn't. Gladion had been one for sticking out for others but I didn't think it would be to this extent.

I decided to break the silence between us and ask, "What should we do now sir?" "Well, Agent, now that Gladion is captured I have a very important assignment for you," he replied.

He pushed a button and on my screen popped up a picture of a girl about my age. She was wearing a white dress and hat, had light green eyes and had blonde hair which was braided into hearts. I was able to recognize her.

"This girl is named Lillie, I'm sure you've heard that name a lot by now from Gladion," the boss said. Gladion had told me a lot of stories about his sister named Lillie. "What do we need her for?" I asked. If I knew Gladion, the last thing he wanted was to get his sister involved in this.

"Well those guys that came after you, have a history with Gladion's family. They are after both of them and if they got him, the I suspect they aren't far off from grabbing her. If Aether wants them so bad, then that means they must know something that Aether doesn't want them to know," he told me. His plan made sense but Gladion had told me multiple times that his sister didn't know anything about Aether.

"But sir, Gladion told me multiple times that Lillie doesn't know a thing about Aether," I told him. "Just because you don't know about a group, doesn't mean you're not important to them," he retorted. "You of all people should know that. I want you to apprehend her and bring her to me, so we can learn more," he said.

"YES SIR!" me and my Pokémon shouted and the transmission ended. I looked down at my partner. "This is a real big risk we are taking," I said to Raichu. "Bringing a civilian into our conflict." [Well we have to do what must be done], he replied with. We both nodded at each other before running back through the forest.

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