Chapter 19: Visitors

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Hi everyone and welcome to chapter 19! I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far at all. This may also be a bit longer of a chapter this time but it's not the first time that's happened. And consider it as a gift from me to you. Enjoy ;)

3rd Person POV:

The sun was now higher in the sky than before. The sky was now a clear blue with a tinge of orange coloring. More small puffy clouds were now visible in the sky as well.

Despite the lab being mostly underground, the bedrooms were above ground with windows in them. The sunlight has even started creeping through the windows too and hitting Serena's eyes.

Her eyes started twitching upon contact with the light. After a few seconds, her eyes opened. She looked out the window to see it was the Sun that caused her to awake.

She saw the beautiful look of the sky. How the sun was able to make such pretty patterns of colors. She didn't know why but she felt happy. Almost as if all of her negativity had gone away at that moment.

After a couple seconds of staring, she felt something different. Like someone was with her in a way. She turned to her left and Bonnie was righy to her. "It's beautiful isn't it?" she asked.

"Ahhhhhh!" Serena screamed and fell back in the bed. She didn't expect Bonnie to sneak up on her like that. Serena looked at Bonnie and she was just giggling.

"Bonnie! You shouldn't sneak up on me like that!" Serena said still a little shocked. "But it was funny to do so," she said sticking her tongue out teasingly. Guess even with age, things don't change, Serena thought.

Then a yawn was heard across the room. It came from Mairin who was rubbing her eyes to get awake. Her hair wasn't up in the way she traditionally had it so it just hung down. "Man you two are noisy," she said. "You're telling me," they heard Korrina say while stretching one of her arms. All of her hair was hanging down too. "Well it is one way to get you guys awake," Bonnie replied. "You guys are also all needed for a meeting too. So get ready and meet us downstairs."

Bonnie then quickly ran out the door and the three girls looked at each other. The next second however, Bonnie poked her head through the door and said, "Also good morning you guys." She then ran out, leaving them alone again.

Next door, the boys all still sleeping too. Max had opened to door slowly and quietly to try and not disturb them. Alain, Sawyer and Clemont were all still sound asleep in their beds.

He noticed that the curtains were shut, blocking the sunlight from coming in the windows. He had an idea and walked as quickly and quietly as he could so he wouldn't wake them up.

He got right next the curtains and saw Clemont's head would be in range of the sun. Max grabbed onto the curtains and flung them open. "Rise and shine everyone!" he shouted as sunlight rushed into the room.

The light landed on Clemont's face. His eyes started to twitch for a few seconds then finally opened. "Ugh, that is bright," he groaned as he laid in bed.

He could barely see but he looked forward to see a figure in front of him. He knew it was Max. "Why are you getting us up this early?" he asked as he reached for his glasses.

"Yeah what's the big deal," another voice asked. They both looked over and saw Sawyer was rubbing one of his eyes. They also saw Alain was up and stretching out one of his arms. "Well breakfast is all ready and we all need to have a meeting," Max explained. "So meet us downstairs when you are ready." Max then went to the door and walked out.

After a few minutes of everyone getting into their traditional clothes, they all decided to head down the stairs. The girls went down before the boys did. Mallow, Lana, Kiawe and Sophocles were already up and helping themselves to some pancakes and milk. Bonnie and Max were doing the same. The Professor seemed to have already eaten his breakfast and was drinking from a mug.

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